[CentOS-devel] CentOS-4.4 yumconf

Tue Oct 10 20:23:26 UTC 2006
C.M. Connelly <cmc at math.hmc.edu>

"JH" == Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>

    JH> not specific to yum configs, but just config files for
    JH> updates in general.  rhn sources file, yum config, etc.

    JH> In RHEL , the RHN files are included in redhat-release.

That's arguable.

The redhat-release package contains a file, /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources,
that sets up2date to use the default url.  The comment there says

   ### The default RHN (using "default" as the url means use the one in the
   ### up2date config file). This is required.

The actual sources are defined in the up2date config file,
/etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date, which is part of the up2date package.

Yes, there is a sample line allowing up2date to use yum as its
backend in the /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources file, but it's commented


  Claire Connelly                              cmc at math.hmc.edu 
  Systems Administrator                          (909) 621-8754   
  Department of Mathematics                 Harvey Mudd College

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