corrected spanish version and question: Re: [CentOS-es] Re: [CentOS-devel] Anaconda Slides in "Other Than English"

Sun Mar 18 22:59:17 UTC 2007
"Ing. Ernesto Pérez Estévez" <centos at>

> this is my very-first version of
> anaconda-spanish-slides

Roger missed translating slides 1 and 2. They have been added in my
translation. I also rephrased his words to obtain a less mechanical
(automated) translation.

BTW, I have a question, in slide #2 says: The organization that produces
centos is named The CentOS Project.

I'm hesitant on whether to translate "The CentOS Project" to Spanish or
leave it like this, in English. My suggestion is to translate it.

Ing. Ernesto Pérez Estévez
USA: +1 305 675 1512 Ext 203 / España: +34 917617884 Ext 203
Ecuador: +593 2 3412402 / + 593 9 9246504
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