[CentOS-devel] Re: corrected spanish version and question: Re: [CentOS-es] Re: Anaconda Slides in "Other Than English"

Mon Mar 19 04:08:16 UTC 2007
Shawn M. Jones <smj at littleprojects.org>

Akemi Yagi wrote:
> On Sun, 18 Mar 2007 22:14:17 -0400, Shawn M. Jones wrote:
>>> I'd say: Leave it. It's a name and shouldn't be translated.
>> I'm pretty sure that it wouldn't be translated in Japanese or some of the
>> Asian languages, so we might want to make a policy of just leaving it
>> untranslated.
>> Japanese and Asian language speakers, please correct me if necessary.
> I can only speak for the Japanese language.  When we do not have a
> suitable word in Japanese, we can do a phonetic translation.  That is, to
> use Japanese characters that sound closest to the original English.
So, effectively

CentOS pu-ro-ji-e-ku-to

with the romanji written in katakana and the "CentOS" left as is?
