[CentOS-devel] Re: CentOS-5 on i586

Mon Apr 7 17:51:56 UTC 2008
Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com>

on 4-7-2008 10:39 AM Manuel Tuthill spake the following:
>> You have read the whole line, right? :o)
> No I stopped reading as soon as I had enough information to prove someone
> else on the internet wrong and therefore myself right and more superior. 
> Now I'm just hopping that someone else don't come back and prove that the
> Geode LX is i686, I did say very early on that it's very hard to tell and I
> don't have one to test.
It looks like the Geode is i586 but with cmov functionality.

It strikes me as odd that AMD would build a 586 processor with cmov 
instructions, but also build a 686 class without that instruction set. Makes 
me wonder if it was an engineering snafu that was too costly to fix for the 
quantity they expected to sell.

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