[CentOS-devel] drbd83 update + no kmod update = broken server

Fri Sep 11 15:19:32 UTC 2009
Akemi Yagi <amyagi at gmail.com>

On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 4:46 AM, Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org> wrote:

> Also, there is NO conflict or problem having both modules installed.

True (as I mentioned in my earlier post). But see below...

> Also, ALSO :D, I published an article on how to upgrade DRBD here:
> http://centosnow.blogspot.com/2009/08/drbd-packages-in-centos-4-and-centos-5.html

This is a must-read.  You should advertise it in more places. :-D

> So, I do not agree that kmod needs to obsolete the older one.  I think
> that having the older kmod there in case you need to boot into the older
> kernel is not bad.

That is the statement I have difficulty understanding. :)  In case you
need to boot into the older kernel ... the drbd module from -83 should
be there as a symlink.  Or, if you mean boot into the older kernel to
get drbd.ko *82*, then you would have to reinstall drbd82.

In other words, if drbd83 obsoletes drbd82, there is no merit for
still having drbd.ko (82) around because drbd82 gets removed upon the
82 -> 83 upgrade. If someone needs to go back to the 82, he needs to
manually install drbd82 anyway. (hope I'm making sense here)  :-)

One (minor) drawback of keeping both kmods is that each time
/sbin/meak-module is run, it has to do extra work going through all
installed kernels, once for kmod-drbd82 and another time for

- now completely hiding under a huge rock