[CentOS-devel] Why are Spacewalk packages removed from CentOS?

Thu Jan 21 13:46:34 UTC 2010
Miroslav Suchý <msuchy at redhat.com>

Marcus Moeller wrote:
> An option would be to include all packages from the newly created
> Spacewalk $ver-client repo, e.g.:
> http://spacewalk.redhat.com/yum/0.7-client/RHEL/5/i386/

Not in CentOS5 since recent this version require python-dmidecode which 
is not in RHEL and therefore probably in CentOS.

> For Fedora, the plan is to bring these packages to the main tree, and
> most of them are already there.
Yes, I'm preparing them. Ale mentioned packages are already there. Bunch 
of others are on the way.

> As Miroslav already stated that these packages won't hit
> rhn.redhat.com I do not thing that should be a big problem.

Partialy true.
Recent upstream version will not hit accidentaly rhn.redhat.com
That version included in RHEL will do that by default.
But these change:
is only one which are required to prevent from accidental check of 

So my recomendation is: take this patch and apply it on current rhel5 
package and include all of them in CentOS.

> Setting up an own repo for the 'server' part of Spacewalk within the
> CentOS Space does not make much sense imho and would cause overhead.


Miroslav Suchy
Red Hat Satellite Engineering