[CentOS-devel] submit a RPM

Thu Apr 7 10:30:59 UTC 2011
Karanbir Singh <mail-lists at karan.org>

On 04/07/2011 02:48 AM, Jerry Amundson wrote:
> Diversify only if you have the resources. Or, if you can bring them
> on-board if you don't have them.

Absolutely, the present system we have in place is exceptionally painful 
to use for such things; one of the reasons why its moving to an 
all-change for the c6 builds. But resource is more than just the 
buildsystem and services around it - its also about people and traction 
in the community, and thats one reason I'm very keen on getting this 
list ( centos-devel ) more active and get more people's eyes on things 
going on here.

- KB