[CentOS-devel] Website v2 Meeting

Wed Mar 30 18:58:40 UTC 2011
Andrea Veri <av at gnome.org>

howdy guys,

looks like we are stuck again with the renew/rebuild of the
CentOS website and therefore I pinged Ralph the other day
proposing a solution. We definitely *need* to move on :)

I think the best way to start sorting things out would be to
setup an IRC meeting anytime soon to organize our work,
decide which content should stay and which one should go 
away, what are our next steps, who will take care of them and
how etc.

I live in a GMT+2 country and it would be great if we could
handle this meeting in the evening, let's say 9.30-10pm in any day
which is *not* friday/saturday/sunday.

Next week, tuesday or wednesday at around 9.30-10pm would be fine
for everyone? (for everyone I mean anyone interested in helping out
and volunteering for the website v2 rebuild)

The channel where the meeting will be held is still to be decided, but
that's definitely not an issue at the moment.

I am open to any change to the time/date, but please let's don't get everything
stuck again. (1 month is gone with no activity on this side)

