[CentOS-devel] NethServer as CentOS Variant and SME SIG Proposal

Davide Principi davide.principi at nethesis.it
Mon Jan 13 08:31:13 UTC 2014

Hi Adrian,
I'm Davide Principi, NethServer developer

On Sun, 2014-01-12 at 19:47 +0200, Adrian Sevcenco wrote:
> Also some minor questions:
> On the yum installation page it is implied that you have to reboot and
> and configure offline the service? is this ok with you? (for my
> administration scenarios (remote, not willing to reboot) this is a bug)

We are working on this: feel free to write to our mailing list or file a
bug into the project bug tracker.

> Also, it seems that it use different authentication mechanism than the
> system one. that would imply that with the package configured
> credentials you can use system users permissions. Is this also ok?
> I would think that, at least for the authentication, would be best to
> interact with the system configured authentication (not matter what that
> is) and use what the system use...

NethServer authentication relies on the default system PAM libraries. I
think it's better to discuss this point on NethServer IRC channel or
mailing list too: you are welcome!

Davide Principi

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