[CentOS-devel] CentOS 7 Public QA Release Beginner's Question

Sat Jun 14 12:28:32 UTC 2014
Bob Lightfoot <boblfoot at gmail.com>

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On 06/14/2014 08:00 AM, centos-devel-request at centos.org wrote:
> Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 11:22:07 -0700 From: Jeff Sheltren
> <jeff at tag1consulting.com> Subject: [CentOS-devel] CentOS 7 Public
> QA Release To: "The CentOS developers mailing list."
> <centos-devel at centos.org> Message-ID: 
> <CANcQTLpGzGE-cECueNTD80oseeXp8F18hR4O73V37mSsZ-XOCQ at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> We are happy to announce the immediate availability of the first
> CentOS 7 QA Release.
> !!! This is a QA release only and not the final CentOS 7 release
> !!!
> In the past, CentOS QA testing has been performed by a small group
> of people within the CentOS community. We are happy that we are now
> able to open this up to the wider community to get early feedback
> and bug reports prior to the 7 release.
> CentOS 7 QA release is available for download at:
> http://buildlogs.centos.org/
> We are first populating individual RPMs in their respective build 
> directories. Once we have a working base install tree, it will be
> made available at the same URL.
> Please note the following: - This is NOT the final CentOS 7
> release. Packages, ISOs, and install media *will* change between
> this release and the final 7 release. - The packages posted at the
> above URL will likely be updated in-place before the final
> release. - Things may be broken! Don't install this on your
> production servers. Consider it a beta/preview release. - Help us
> make the 7 release better by reporting bugs at 
> http://bugs.centos.org - This is not an officially supported
> release. If you have questions, aren't sure if you've found a bug,
> etc., please ask in #centos-devel on Freenode, or email the
> centos-devel email list. - Packages in the QA release are *not*
> GPG-signed. The final 7 release will contain GPG-signed packages as
> usual. - Upgrading from the QA release to the final 7 release may
> be possible, but it's not supported or documented in any way.
> Expect that you will need to re-install when 7 final is released.
> We appreciate any and all bug reports at http://bugs.centos.org
> (please also check upstream bugzilla.redhat.com and link to those
> bugs when filing a new CentOS issue), and assistance with the
> "Branding Hunt" (see 
> http://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-devel/2014-June/010411.html).
> https://access.redhat.com/site/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/7/html/7.0_Release_Notes/part-Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-7.0_Release_Notes-Known_Issues.html
contains a list of known issues at the time of the upstream release.
> Currently, we only have RPM packages online, but will be bringing 
> installable media online as soon as we have it ready.
> Again, this is NOT a final release. It may harm nearby puppies,
> kittens, or other (cute) animals and/or servers.  This is our first
> attempt at opening up CentOS to the wider community, so please bear
> with us as we work through any issues that arise with the process.
> As always, feedback is welcome on the email list or on IRC
> (#centos-devel on Freenode).
> Thanks, and enjoy the release! -Jeff Sheltren on behalf of the
> CentOS QA Team -------------- next part -------------- An HTML
> attachment was scrubbed... URL:
> http://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-devel/attachments/20140613/361ee8dd/attachment-0001.html
Dear Devs:
     Looks like a great lot of work, so thanks for the effort.  As a
Fedora Testor I am puzzled somewhat though.  Is there available
reading material and such as how I would go about using these rpm with
a qemu/kvm for testing without having the installer available yet?
Obviously I can test the install media when it exists just like I do
for Fedora, but using these trees of rpms is a new skill I am hoping
to add.  Don't want to bog anyone down with explaining it in detail,
as I don't mind reading and teaching myself, just need pointed where
to look.

Bob Lightfoot, Fedora Project QA Team Member & Centos User
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