[CentOS-devel] srpms for RHEL 7

Wed Jun 11 20:33:45 UTC 2014
Jeff Sheltren <jeff at tag1consulting.com>

On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 6:47 AM, Chris St. Pierre <
chris.a.st.pierre at gmail.com> wrote:

> Gitblit offers an API that should permit you to list repos easily enough:
> http://gitblit.com/rpc.html
> It seems pretty trivial to use, e.g.:
> https://git.centos.org/rpc?req=LIST_REPOSITORIES
> You should be able to use that to clone all of the repos and then use some
> combination of 'git fetch' and 'git log' to get the activity logs.  Or use
> the RSS feeds for each repo, if you prefer.  TIMTOWTDI.
> This seems like a significant improvement, since you no longer have to
> diff the ftp 'ls' output -- there are actual machine-consumable feeds and
> APIs to use.

Has anyone scripted this already (list repos, git clone them all, grab all
sources)?  I'm lazy, or busy, or something, and would love to easily clone
these all locally.

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