[CentOS-devel] CentOS-7 Public QA Buildtag 140617

Wed Jun 18 11:49:05 UTC 2014
Fabian Arrotin <fabian.arrotin at arrfab.net>

On 18/06/14 12:55, Karanbir Singh wrote:
> On 06/18/2014 01:37 AM, Karanbir Singh wrote:
>> hi
>> builds from 2014 06 17 are now online, the entire tree is refreshed and
>> livecd + livemedia-gnome and livemedia-kde  are also available.
> There is a 'latest' symlink for the tree's at
> http://buildlogs.centos.org/centos/7/os/ - if anyone is using that, then
> make sure you are running 'yum distro-sync' often.
>>From the yum man page :
>   distribution-synchronization or distro-sync
>     Synchronizes the installed package set with the latest  packages
>     available, this is done by either obsoleting, upgrading or down-
>     grading as appropriate. This will "normally" do the  same  thing
>     as  the  upgrade  command  however  if  you have the package FOO
>     installed at version 4, and the latest available is only version
>     3, then this command will downgrade FOO to version 3.
>     This  command does not perform operations on groups, local pack-
>     ages or negative selections.

Just to add that , to play it nice and safe, it would even be better to
force reinstall of packages using the same N-E-V-R, but with different
checksums (to be sure that you're really using the packages from the
latest tree)
So "yum distro-sync full" is somewhat preferred :

             "If you give the optional argument "full", then the command
              also  reinstall  packages  where  the  install  checksum
and the
              available checksum do not match. And remove old packages
(can be
              used to sync. rpmdb versions). The optional argument
              can be used to specify the default operation."

Happy testing  ! and don't forget the Feedback please ;-)

Fabian Arrotin
gpg key: 56BEC54E | twitter: @arrfab