[CentOS-devel] working around stacked updates

Tue Jun 24 16:50:55 UTC 2014
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

On 06/24/2014 11:35 AM, R P Herrold wrote:
> On Tue, 24 Jun 2014, Karanbir Singh wrote:
>> So unless there are any objections in the near future, I would say we
>> have a process that allows us to arbitarily work on older content, in
>> side branches without stamping on c7/
> I may be not understanding what you are saying
> A centos 7.0 gold, set of installable images (which inclide 
> kernel in the anaconda) are not yet emitted.  Prior practice 
> was to pick a kernel level, and to integrate / stabilize** 
> that ** kernel at time of 'drop' into the anaconda, knowing 
> full well that a clutch of updates would come cascading in 
> immediately after the install at firstboot
> This was useful, as it is not all that uncommon to "exclude=' 
> the kernel updates from the yum setup.  I have a laptop which 
> has not been able to take a kernel update since C6.3, for 
> example, as the LCD backlight code is not working in later 
> versions
> Indeed, I had to search back through several kernel initial 
> release and updates during debugging
> Will the 'as dropped' kernel and each intermediate kernel 
> discussed by upstream in a RHSA, etc be published?  What is 
> the plan as to anaconda integration?
> -- Russ herrold

Right, but git went past that update ... as their were 2 commits back to
back .. the GA kernel and the zeroday update kernel.

The goal here is to do mods to the GA kernel to put on the ISO, get
those mods into git using the GA kernel and also not erase the Zero Day
kernel info ..

so these 3 changes are to GA kernel:

16 hours ago     Karanbir Singh        
update changelog for the debranding changes    
    315459     diff | tree

16 hours ago     Jim Perrin        
Add two small patches for kernel debranding. Addresses
    d96cc7     diff | tree

16 hours ago     Karanbir Singh        
Patch in CentOS SecureBoot keys    
    df32f9     diff | tree

while these 2 are to the Zero Day Kernel:

16 hours ago     Karanbir Singh        
Merge branch 'c7-GA' into c7    
    f355f5     diff | tree

16 hours ago     Karanbir Singh        
Patch in CentOS SecureBoot keys    
    0b2610     diff | tree

So that means we can build both kernels from git ... one to put onto the
iso, the other one (now two after we apply the same changes to the new

These kind of changes will only happen when Red Hat imports 2 versions
in before we have a chance to modify the first version ... which will
only likely happen on point releases?

Johnny Hughes

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