[CentOS-devel] Small Business SIG suggestion

Sun May 4 22:19:28 UTC 2014
Omar Eljumaily <omar1 at omnicode.com>

Thanks Filippo.  I'm in GMT-8, Pacific Time.  I get up early, though, so 
I could do it as early as say GMT 13:00.

I think we're fairly close on the issues that we're trying to confront. 
  There may be some differences in how they're packaged and exposed.

I'm going to put together a specific set of RPMs + goals of how I think 
it should be carried out.  Maybe other people can think about that as 
well.  I'll try to integrate it as much as possible with your existing 



On 5/3/2014 3:03 AM, Filippo Carletti wrote:
> Omar, I basically agree with you.
> The SIG idea started with Small Business but evolved in Simplified
> Linux Server (SLS).
> http://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/SLS
> I'll try to add something to the picture.
>> 1. Home security
>> 2. Home automation
> Change "Home" with "Office", you'll use the same tools because you
> have the same targets.
>> 3. Entertainment
>> 4. Backup
>> 5. Cloudsync
> Previous 3 points are also needed in the office (in my office we
> listen to music while working and used to share it sometimes (now
> there's spotify). :-)
> The idea behind NethServer is that of an highly modular system, easily
> adaptable to different usage scenarios.
> You will only install the mail server if you need it (or want to play
> with email, out of curiosity).
> Adding a new feature is easy and fast: a click on a web page. Building
> new features is also easy for the developer.
> Being modular permits to create a vertical system highly tightened to
> the needs of the user.
> I hope to have an SLS SIG meeting on IRC next week, hope you could
> join us. Where timezone do you live in? We're spread across GMT-6 and
> GMT+2.