[CentOS-devel] centosplus kernel naming

Fri May 30 22:02:46 UTC 2014
Trevor Hemsley <trevor.hemsley at ntlworld.com>

On 30/05/14 22:56, Carl Trieloff wrote:
> On 05/30/2014 05:36 PM, Ned Slider wrote:
>> On 30/05/14 18:07, Stephen John Smoogen wrote:
>>> On 30 May 2014 11:02, Jim Perrin <jperrin at centos.org> wrote:
>>>> As we gear up for the upcoming CentOS 7 release, we're tracking a few
>>>> things for the CentOSPlus kernel as well. One of the proposals (via
>>>> http://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=6828 ) is that we change the current
>>>> name of the centosplus kernel to be a bit more consistent with other
>>>> kernel names. The proposed new name would look like 'kernel-plus' or
>>>> 'kernel-centosplus'. This is in keeping with other kernel names such as
>>>> 'kernel-ml', 'kernel-xen', 'kernel-lt' etc. And allows for
>>>> /etc/sysconfig/kernel to be used to set the DEFAULTKERNEL as desired.
>>> kernel-plus sounds good. I think it would help deal with bugs a bit better.
>>> kernel-centosplus is a bit long but might be clearer in case a downstream
>>> wants to have its own plus kernel.
>> How about kernel-cplus as a compromise to the above.
> makes me think of a language & not centos...

Or just kernel-centos