[CentOS-devel] SCL and git 2.X

Fri Feb 20 10:19:21 UTC 2015
Vacelet, Manuel <manuel.vacelet at enalean.com>

On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 12:37 AM, Karanbir Singh <mail-lists at karan.org>

> Hi!
> On 19/02/15 16:48, Vacelet, Manuel wrote:
> > TL;DR: I need recent version of git (2.3 ATM) and I need it on centos6
> > and centos7.
> this is great! We can either do it via a SCL or just inplace distro
> package replacement ( into the Plus repos ). Since you have already had
> a stab at doing this with the 1.9 git on scl's - that might be the best
> route to take here as well.
Cool !

I'm just wondering what are the duty and stuff for being a maintainer (esp.
all security related things).
Rebuild an existing package is a thing, being maintainer of a new version
is different.

I'm more tempted to have it as an SCL as those packages should be usable on
RHEL too.

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