[CentOS-devel] kickstart extra minimal

Thu Jan 15 00:28:38 UTC 2015
Nico Kadel-Garcia <nkadel at gmail.com>

On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 9:27 AM, Dries Verachtert
<dries.verachtert at dries.eu> wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 10, 2015 at 4:18 PM, Jim Perrin <jperrin at centos.org> wrote:
>> On 01/09/2015 06:27 PM, Karanbir Singh wrote:
>>> the problem is - the scope of this would be large enough that anyone can
>>> manage it, and everyone can get involved. But I dont want to do this as
>>> a part of the Core effort, that closes too many doors. But the SIGs are
>>> too specialised in their outlook to curate something of this nature.
>>> The only group in a suiteable place to perhaps take ownership of a
>>> resource like that would be the docs group - so we do a community
>>> contributed setup there, and the build services retail their own
>>> metadata ( which is what the atomic / docker / cloud stuff is ) as and
>>> when and where they need it.
>> That sounds reasonable. Who from the community would like to lead this
>> effort?
> Hello,
> I would like to help with this. Editing & testing kickstart files can
> be time consuming trial and error and some nice samples for various
> setups could be very useful for quite some people I think.
> Kind regards,
> Dries

If you're going this route, can I beg you to put in this? I've asked
the anaconda developers for this before, and it's invaluable for
getting your actual ks.cfg saved for reference, rather than that
wildly distinct and script discarding 'anaconda-ks.cfg'.

%post --nochroot
cp -a /tmp/ks.cfg /mnt/sysimage/root/ks.cfg