[CentOS-devel] numbering and building the CentOS Atomic story

Wed Jul 15 10:18:08 UTC 2015
Karanbir Singh <mail-lists at karan.org>


This email is the amalgamation of many conversations that have been
running in various venues for the last couple of months. I am posting
this here for comments, as we move towards implementing the process (
which has been validated with builds and releases already, the glue
components are what we are working on now ).

If you are seeing this somewhere other than CentOS-Devel mailing list, I
highly encourage you to join that list for comments and to track
progress of this effort.


At this point were looking at building two sets of atomic machine

a) the 4 weekly cycle that fits into the 2/4 model from upstream where
Fedora runs a 2 weekly cycle, CentOS Atomic SIG runs the 4weekly
downstream from there. The actual process by which CentOS Atomic SIG
maps to every alternate Fedora build is a TBH point, but there needs to
be some specific map there in the short term.

b) the downstream build, where we consume the content delivered via the
RHEL Atomic Host content, and deliver a similar functional story. Due to
the nature of how the atomic builds work, we wont have an identical
build, but we should get to a close enough feature compatibility.

any atomic platform is backed by an ostree repo, which is composed of
the rpms and any other content needed for the atomic platform to run on.
it would be to a atomic host what a yum repo is to a rpm based CentOS
Linux install.

For (a) above, I propose we run an ostree repo, managed by a
centos-release-projectatomic rpm file; the ostree repo for this should
be delivered from buildlogs.centos.org, and updated in sync with the
rest of the content in the CentOS Linux repos, as well as the atomic sig
run repos in the community build service. In order to keep things
simple, it might be good enough to run this ostree update on a nightly

I propose this nightly build be run from an automated harness at
ci.centos.org, which would pull down the last ostree repo, do its
updates, commit the changeset, and have a way to push back into the
buildlogs.centos.org host the new repo. As an additional downstream
trigger, we should then build nightly the images derived from this
ostree repo ( this would be the GenericCloud, Vagrant, ISO files etc for
the atomic build that maps to the latest commit in that ostree repo).
For numbering, I propose we use datestamp with a build id eg:
20150715_01, this maps well to user expectations and also sets suitable
confidence in the build.

Key requirement to applying updates is that the atomic host needs a
reboot to consume the latest ostree propagated changes. So while the
updated tree would be available nightly, uses might chose to still apply
it nightly, they can control to a fairly good granularity the point in
time they wish to run.

The atomic sig can then decide which point in time build they wish to
promote as their 4wk 'release' image. The ostree repo + images +
documentation for that build can then be promoted to a release location.
This would then be announced via projectatomic.io

I'm also proposing that this build be called the project atomic build.

for (b) above, I'm proposing we use the same process as for (a), except
for the following major changes :
- content in (a) is signed, so while we can build things nightly, we
cant promote that content as is. When the Atomic SIG decides on a good
tree to promote, the entire buildrun will then be done, against the
SIG's accepted metadata, inside the CentOS Build Services ( reimzul ).
Resulting in a testable, signed atomic content sit ( ostree repo +
updates + images, all signed ). The SIG can then chose to redo, rework,
release as needed.

- content for (b) will be released to mirror.centos.org (ostree repos),
and cloud.centos.org ( backing instance images ). the
centos-release-atomic will point at mirror.centos.org's ostree repo.

- the update cycle for the ostree repo should be undecided, so we can
promote a new update if there are security issues that merit this work,
and also when there is a new version of a core component that we might
want to push out out of band ( i.e not wait on the next upstream build )

- numbering for (b) should be date driven as well, to look similar as

- The release cycle for this should be documented in an 'Atomic Host'
section on wiki.centos.org/Download, and announced via the generic
centos announcement channels.

- This release would be called the CentOS Atomic Host.


* https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/cloud/2015-March/004976.html


Karanbir Singh
+44-207-0999389 | http://www.karan.org/ | twitter.com/kbsingh
GnuPG Key : http://www.karan.org/publickey.asc