[CentOS-devel] [release] Kilo EL7 and Juno EL6 repos available from CentOS Cloud SIG

Rich Bowen rbowen at redhat.com
Thu May 21 15:31:39 UTC 2015

The CentOS Cloud SIG is pleased to announce the availability of 
OpenStack Kilo package repositories for CentOS 7, and Juno repositories 
for CentOS 6. These are the result of the last few months of work by the 
Cloud SIG membership, and, of course, we owe a great deal of gratitude 
to the upstream OpenStack community as well.

The CentOS 7 Kilo repository may be found at 

The Juno CentOS 6 repository may be found at 

The actual -release files will reside in Extras, so that you can yum 
install centos-release-openstack-kilo for Kilo and yum install 
centos-release-openstack-juno for Juno, without needing to mess with 
repo configurations.

See also the Juno EL6 RDO QuickStart at 

CentOS cares about OpenStack. We test all of our cloud images against 
OpenStack, in the CentOS 5, 6, and 7 branches. The CentOS Cloud SIG is 
very keen on facilitating community efforts at CentOS, and we have 
resources available for CI, repos, and other needs, which the community 
can use. We welcome your participation in this effort. We're dedicated 
to ensuring that CentOS is a solid, dependable platform for deploying 
OpenStack, and that all versions of OpenStack are thoroughly tested 
against CentOS, and vice versa.

You can find out more about the CentOS Cloud SIG, and how to get 
involved, at http://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Cloud and about 
the RDO project at http://rdoproject.org/

Rich Bowen - rbowen at redhat.com

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