[CentOS-devel] registry.centos.org is now decommissioned

Mon Jun 5 15:37:38 UTC 2023
Jan Pazdziora <jpazdziora at redhat.com>

On Fri, May 26, 2023 at 12:17:47PM +0530, Bama Charan Kundu wrote:
> Hi,
>     We are announcing decommission of registry.centos.org infra.
> * registry.centos.org is removed from DNS entry
> * container-index repo[1] is no longer maintained and updated.

Could the https://github.com/CentOS/container-index README and About
note be updated with a big text that this repo no longer serves the
purpose it used to serve and that the README describes?

Or perhaps archive the repo?

Jan Pazdziora | Sr. Principal Software Engineer | Red Hat