<pre>> While it is understood that it is not the responsibility of the CentOS<br>> Team to teach the community, nevertheless, it would be helpful if the<br>> CentOS Team (or others in the know) could list a handful of packages<br>
> that are among the 600 Johnny reports as requiring attention in C6,<br>> preferably some that won't even compile, others that require<br>> comparison with the upstream binaries to note the problem.<br><br>Dearest Larry,<br>
<br>I AM SO FUCKING SICK AND TIRED OF YOUR ENDLESS DRIVEL PASSING THROUGH MY INBOX, I may give up on this distro based on you and you ALONE.<br><br>PS: Shouldn't you be busy running your business rather than running your fingers on a mailing list?<br>
<br>PS #2: Looking at your business website, it appears your "store" is low on product. Perhaps you should concentrate on things that matter?<br><br>Graciously:<br><br>Ant.<br></pre>