[CentOS-docs] Announcing the CentOS on Laptops initiative

Wed Nov 28 18:36:52 UTC 2007
Dag Wieers <dag at centos.org>

On Sun, 25 Nov 2007, Karanbir Singh wrote:

> Dag Wieers wrote:
> > I would like to announce a CentOS on Laptops initiative. The aim is to
> > allow everybody in the community (and on this mailinglist) to document
> > their own experience with CentOS on their laptop (on the CentOS wiki).
> if you can setup something on the wiki - perhaps a few templates and we can
> all fill in  a few. give people something to look at right off the starting
> blocks, we can then announce this via the centos-announce list and on the
> website etc...

I now added a page for a Thinkpad T43 and Thinkpad X60. There is also
information about a HP Pavilion already. I hope to add a template that we
can improve later this evening.

> I can definitely fill out atleast 5 different laptop configs that work with
> centos-5.

I'd say, start adding some info. I prefer if the information is added
during and after an installation, because from memory things get lost (my
Thinkpad T43 page is very slim).

I plan to do a reinstallation of my T43 only to make sure that the wiki
page is correct. I am als picking up my CentOS demo laptop (T41) this
evening and will do a reinstallation of CentOS 5 (or 5.1) in order to
improve the wiki information.

Also I prefer if we could move specific procedures out of the Laptop-model
page into a more generic page. (like how to install the firmware drivers,
or use ndiswrapper, or enable NetworkManager, or enable compiz)

All the simple things that everybody needs to do afterwards anyway could
as well be included from the index page. (especially the NetworkManager
or ndiswrapper is something that people do not find out themselves but
need a little guidance with)

--   dag wieers,  dag at centos.org,  http://dag.wieers.com/   --
[Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors]