CentOS Wiki Access [was Re: [CentOS-docs] need a TOC]

Ralph Angenendt ra+centos at br-online.de
Thu Sep 27 13:53:57 UTC 2007

Phil Schaffner wrote:
> Agree.  Perhaps I was not sufficiently explicit, but in my mind the
> process might be something like this:
> 1. Join the -docs list and offer to contribute something.
> 2. Implement the contribution and respond to comments.
> 3. Remain active for some probationary period, TBD.
> 4. Request members Wiki access granting privileges to edit existing
> pages not explicitly protected and create new pages in "public" areas of
> the Wiki. [1]
> 5. Agree to conditions (TBD) for such access, as determined by the core
> developers or other designated responsible parties.
> 6. Continue to actively participate as a good citizen of the community.

This will happen from now on. I'm going to watch over who contributes
what where and will give away elevated rights then. Think about it as a
"benevolent dictatorship" :)

And feel free to jostle me (all of you) if you think I overlooked

> [1]: "Public" might exclude sections such as QA or other
> limited-membership areas, and sections whose authors explicitly request
> exclusive rights.

There is only "EditGroup". But there are parts where even EditGroup
cannot edit - but cannot view either, so it doesn't really matter.


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