[CentOS-docs] What's an Enterprise class OS

Scott Robbins scottro at nyc.rr.com
Sat Nov 8 14:29:29 UTC 2008

On Sat, Nov 08, 2008 at 12:59:02PM +0000, Ned Slider wrote:
> Hi all,
> One of the concepts we see arise on the forums time and time again  
> that's poorly understood is the concept of an Enterprise Class OS and  
> everything that involves. I think it would be of benefit to have a one  
> stop page to point users to that explains the concepts and provides the  
> information required. Much of this content already exists on the Wiki  
> but it is scattered over many individual pages and new users often don't  
> find it (new users often don't search at all!)

My cynical view is that, as you say, new users often don't search at
That being said, in theory, at least, it's a good idea.  In practice,
you, Alan and Toracat are the ones who voluntarily shoulder the greatest
load in answering newcomer questions--the rest of us step in once in
awhile, but you three are certainly the most diligent.  Therefore,
anything you feel might make it a little easier for you is worth trying. 

I wonder if it might also be worthwhile trying to get a pointer to such
a document on the CentOS distrowatch page--as I suspect that's where
some percentage of the beginners start.   Something like new users, to
avoid disappointment, please look at <link here>.  

Although those users are the ones that stand out in our minds, I suspect
that the majority of CentOS users are still sysadmin types using it in
more production or production like (e.g., home server) environments.  

Anyway, for those that don't frequent the forum, Ned, Alan and Akemi san
do the lion's (tiger's?) share of the work in dealing with the newcomers
and answering the same questions again and again, and anything that one
of them feels might help is certainly worth considering.  

Scott Robbins
PGP keyID EB3467D6
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Buffy: I gotta stop him before he unleashes unholy havoc and 
it's just another Tuesday night in Sunnydale. 

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