[CentOS-docs] How to back up a running KVM guest

Tue Mar 24 09:58:15 UTC 2009
Ralph Angenendt <ra+centos at br-online.de>

Julian Price wrote:
> Hi Ralph
> Thanks for setting up the page.
> http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/BackupKVMGuest
> I have written a first draft and I will improve it over the coming days.  
> But is it going in the right direction? 

I'm going to take a look at it later on.

> How do I make the title appear as a title but not appear in the contents?

#pragma section-numbers 2

in the "head" of the page should do the trick (just before the title is

> >> Can we keep discussion on list on not fall back to "private"
> On other lists I'm a member of it's normal to send messages direct  
> rather than to the list unless the content is of general interest.  This  
> reduces the number of people who opt for digests to reduce the noise, so  
> speeds up communication.  However, I can see this is not consistent with  
> CentOS ethos of open-ness and collaboration.  So yes, I will reply to  
> all CentOS lists in future, unless it's obviously not appropriate e.g.  
> security related.

Thank you. It's easier for people to keep track of things when they
don't have decide if an answer to a mail in their inbox could be of
public interest or not. Keeps down thinking, which sometimes is a
process that hurts :)

> I do not appear to have permission to edit my home page:
> http://wiki.centos.org/JulianPrice
> Does that come later after I have written some acceptable articles?

Try again. It's not created automatically (and not everyone requests


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