[CentOS-docs] Indonesian Translation

Fri Feb 17 02:34:59 UTC 2012
Muhammad Panji <sumodirjo at gmail.com>

On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 4:06 AM, Ralph Angenendt
<ralph.angenendt at gmail.com>wrote:

> On 16.02.2012 04:05, Muhammad Panji wrote:
> > Dear All,
> > sorry for replying my own thread. I would like to ask how to start
> > translating the wiki to Indonesian language. are there any steps that I
> > have to do before I granted permission to edit wiki? thank you.
> The wiki has some lines on how to contribute to the wiki.
> http://wiki.centos.org/Contribute#head-42b3d8e26400a106851a61aebe5c2cca54dd79e5
> Regarding your request to translate the wiki: Are you sure that you can
> spend the time to completely translate the wiki? To keep it up to date
> when the original pages change? Are you alone or do you have a few
> people who want to help with that task?
Hi Ralph,
I try to spend several hours a week to translate the Wiki. If possible I
would start small by translating several main pages first and keep up with
update and then I can move to the more specific how-to pages. I'm alone
right now, if anyone from Indonesia in this lists would join that would be
better. Thank you.

Muhammad Panji
http://www.panji.web.id                         http://www.kurungsiku.com
http://sumodirjo.wordpress.com          http://www.kurungsiku.web.id

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