OK, now I've tried it and it works like a charm. This is a stub for a howto in the wiki:<br><br>* Verified on a CentOS 5.0 Server install, updated and rebooted.<br>* Install and configure ntp to make sure time is in sync with AD domain controller.
<br>* chkconfig ntpd on
<br>* patch /usr/share/authconfig/authconfig.py (unless CentOS 5.1)<br>* chkconfig smb on<br>* chkconfig winbind on<br>* set variables to appropriate values for your domain<br>* authconfig --enableshadow --enablemd5 --enablekrb5 --krb5realm=$KRB_REALM --krb5kdc=$AD_SERVER --kickstart
<br>* authconfig-tui --kickstart --enablewinbind --enablewinbindauth --smbsecurity=ads --smbrealm=$KRB_REALM --smbservers=$AD_SERVER --winbindjoin="$ADMIN" --winbindtemplatehomedir=/home/%U --winbindtemplateshell=/bin/bash --enablewinbindusedefaultdomain --smbworkgroup=$SMBWG --enablelocauthorize
<br>* create samba share, testparm<br>* (re)start samba<br>* from windows client: net view \\centosserver<br>* try connecting to share<br>* troubleshooting: verify that ntpd/smb/winbind are all started, verify time is in sync on all machines, try logging off/on Windows client
<br><br>The full article would of course include more commands and info.<br><br>Regards,<br>Daniel<br><br>