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<LI class=toclevel-1><A href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/HARDWARE_Gentoo_on_HP_Compaq_nx6325#A_guide_to_install_Gentoo_on_the_HP_Compaq_nx6325"><SPAN class=tocnumber>1</SPAN> <SPAN class=toctext>A guide to install Gentoo
on the HP Compaq nx6325</SPAN></A>
<LI class=toclevel-2><A href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/HARDWARE_Gentoo_on_HP_Compaq_nx6325#Introduction"><SPAN class=tocnumber>1.1</SPAN> <SPAN class=toctext>Introduction</SPAN></A>
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<LI class=toclevel-3><A href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/HARDWARE_Gentoo_on_HP_Compaq_nx6325#Currently_unverified_Hardware"><SPAN class=tocnumber>1.2.2</SPAN> <SPAN class=toctext>Currently
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<LI class=toclevel-3><A href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/HARDWARE_Gentoo_on_HP_Compaq_nx6325#Output_of_lspci"><SPAN class=tocnumber>1.2.3</SPAN> <SPAN class=toctext>Output of
lspci</SPAN></A> </LI></UL>
<LI class=toclevel-2><A href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/HARDWARE_Gentoo_on_HP_Compaq_nx6325#Configuration"><SPAN class=tocnumber>1.3</SPAN> <SPAN class=toctext>Configuration</SPAN></A>
<LI class=toclevel-3><A href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/HARDWARE_Gentoo_on_HP_Compaq_nx6325#The_important_first"><SPAN class=tocnumber>1.3.1</SPAN> <SPAN class=toctext>The important
<LI class=toclevel-3><A href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/HARDWARE_Gentoo_on_HP_Compaq_nx6325#make.conf"><SPAN class=tocnumber>1.3.2</SPAN> <SPAN class=toctext>make.conf</SPAN></A>
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<LI class=toclevel-3><A href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/HARDWARE_Gentoo_on_HP_Compaq_nx6325#Onboard_Wireless_.28802.11.29"><SPAN class=tocnumber>1.3.7</SPAN> <SPAN class=toctext>Onboard Wireless
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<LI class=toclevel-3><A href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/HARDWARE_Gentoo_on_HP_Compaq_nx6325#Finger_Print_Sensor"><SPAN class=tocnumber>1.3.11</SPAN> <SPAN class=toctext>Finger Print
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<LI class=toclevel-3><A href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/HARDWARE_Gentoo_on_HP_Compaq_nx6325#ACPI_Configuration"><SPAN class=tocnumber>1.3.14</SPAN> <SPAN class=toctext>ACPI
<LI class=toclevel-3><A href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/HARDWARE_Gentoo_on_HP_Compaq_nx6325#PowerNow"><SPAN class=tocnumber>1.3.15</SPAN> <SPAN class=toctext>PowerNow</SPAN></A> </LI></UL>
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<H1>A guide to install Gentoo on the HP Compaq nx6325 </H1>
<P>Since I'm a wiki n00b, I shamelessly stole most of the formating from this <A title="HARDWARE Gentoo on HP Compaq nc6220" href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/HARDWARE_Gentoo_on_HP_Compaq_nc6220">HP Compaq
nc6220</A> article. Which is a good source also, btw. </P>
<DIV style="BORDER-RIGHT: #a0ffa0 1px solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 2px; BORDER-TOP: #a0ffa0 1px solid; PADDING-LEFT: 2px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 1px; BORDER-LEFT: #a0ffa0 1px solid; PADDING-TOP: 1px; BORDER-BOTTOM: #a0ffa0 1px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #c1ffc1"><B>Note:</B>
<LI>This information is also likely to be useful for some other HP nx and nc
laptops that share similar/identical components.
<LI>This is no step-by-step guide to install Gentoo. For that, go to the <A title=http://www.gentoo.org href="http://www.gentoo.org/">Gentoo website</A>. They have done
a great job. This guide is meant to be a hint what to look for during install.
And of course for those who are interested in this laptop and want to know if
it can be used with Gentoo or other Linux distributions. </LI></UL></DIV>
<P><B>Author</B>: <A class=new title=User:CWache href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/index.php?title=User:CWache&action=edit">CWache</A>
(chris at secondfoundation dot net). If you have any questions or suggestions
drop me a mail. Beware: greylisting and spam filters ahead! </P>
<DIV class=editsection style="FLOAT: right; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px">[<A title="Edit section: Introduction" href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/index.php?title=HARDWARE_Gentoo_on_HP_Compaq_nx6325&action=edit&section=2">edit</A>]</DIV><A name=Introduction></A>
<H2>Introduction </H2>
<P>The Compaq nx6325 series is HP's first AMD Turion X2 laptop. For it's
features it's a great bargain, if you don't mind the integrated graphics of the
ATI Radeon Xpress 200M (aka Xpress 1150) chipset wich comes in form of an
integrated X300 Mobile. I purchased the currently available top model with
Turion X2 -TL 60 (2x 2GHz) CPU, 1x 1024 MB RAM (yes, only ONE module and so a
lot of computing power ist wasted because the AMD Turion has a two channel RAM
interface. I'll add a second 1024 MB stick soon), 15" SXGA Display (1400x1050),
80 GB HDD and a Multi DVD burner with lightscribe. All that and more for less
than € 1200,-. </P>
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<H2>On we go ... </H2>
<DIV class=editsection style="FLOAT: right; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px">[<A title="Edit section: Currently supported/working Hardware" href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/index.php?title=HARDWARE_Gentoo_on_HP_Compaq_nx6325&action=edit&section=4">edit</A>]</DIV><A name=Currently_supported.2Fworking_Hardware></A>
<H3>Currently supported/working Hardware </H3>
<LI>ATI integrated Graphics ATI X300. Full DRI/DRM Working!
<LI>Synaptics Touchpad
<LI>HP's Integrated Bluetooth Broadcom Chipset (Leon Lessing has reported
<LI>Broadcom BCM4310 Wireless 802.11 a/b/g
<LI>Broadcom NetXtreme BCM5788 Gigabit Ethernet
<LI>Texas Instruments Cardbus (PCMCIA) Bridge
<LI>ATI Technologies Inc SB450 HDA Audio </LI></UL>
<DIV class=editsection style="FLOAT: right; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px">[<A title="Edit section: Currently unverified Hardware" href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/index.php?title=HARDWARE_Gentoo_on_HP_Compaq_nx6325&action=edit&section=5">edit</A>]</DIV><A name=Currently_unverified_Hardware></A>
<H3>Currently unverified Hardware </H3>
<LI>Texas Instruments 5-in-1 Multimedia Card Reader (SD/MMC/MS/MS PRO/xD)
<LI>Integrated Modem (no need for it anyway)
<LI>Bluetooth (I just can't find a decent, full-size bluetooth mouse. Drop me
a note, if you know one !)
<LI>FireWire (Modules load fine, so I guess it should work. I just don't have
a device to try it.)
<LI>Finger Print Reader </LI></UL>
<DIV class=editsection style="FLOAT: right; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px">[<A title="Edit section: Output of lspci" href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/index.php?title=HARDWARE_Gentoo_on_HP_Compaq_nx6325&action=edit&section=6">edit</A>]</DIV><A name=Output_of_lspci></A>
<H3>Output of lspci </H3>
<TABLE style="BORDER-RIGHT: #bfffbf 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #bfffbf 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #bfffbf 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #bfffbf 1px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #f2fff2" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="75%">
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #a0ffa0 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #a0ffa0 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #a0ffa0 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #888 1px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #c1ffc1"><FONT size=-1><B>Code:</B> lspci</FONT> </TD></TR>
<P>00:00.0 Host bridge: ATI Technologies Inc RS480 Host Bridge (rev
10)<BR>00:01.0 PCI bridge: ATI Technologies Inc RS480 PCI
Bridge<BR>00:04.0 PCI bridge: ATI Technologies Inc RS480 PCI
Bridge<BR>00:05.0 PCI bridge: ATI Technologies Inc Unknown device
5a37<BR>00:06.0 PCI bridge: ATI Technologies Inc RS480 PCI
Bridge<BR>00:12.0 IDE interface: ATI Technologies Inc ATI 4379 Serial ATA
Controller (rev 80)<BR>00:13.0 USB Controller: ATI Technologies Inc IXP
SB400 USB Host Controller (rev 80)<BR>00:13.1 USB Controller: ATI
Technologies Inc IXP SB400 USB Host Controller (rev 80)<BR>00:13.2 USB
Controller: ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB400 USB2 Host Controller (rev
80)<BR>00:14.0 SMBus: ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB400 SMBus Controller (rev
81)<BR>00:14.1 IDE interface: ATI Technologies Inc Standard Dual Channel
PCI IDE Controller ATI (rev 80)<BR>00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies
Inc SB450 HDA Audio (rev 01)<BR>00:14.3 ISA bridge: ATI Technologies Inc
IXP SB400 PCI-ISA Bridge (rev 80)<BR>00:14.4 PCI bridge: ATI Technologies
Inc IXP SB400 PCI-PCI Bridge (rev 80)<BR>00:18.0 Host bridge: Advanced
Micro Devices [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron] HyperTransport Technology
Configuration<BR>00:18.1 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8
[Athlon64/Opteron] Address Map<BR>00:18.2 Host bridge: Advanced Micro
Devices [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron] DRAM Controller<BR>00:18.3 Host
bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron] Miscellaneous
Control<BR>01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS482
[Radeon Xpress 200M]<BR>04:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation
BCM4310 UART (rev 01)<BR>05:01.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation
NetXtreme BCM5788 Gigabit Ethernet (rev 03)<BR>05:04.0 CardBus bridge:
Texas Instruments PCIxx12 Cardbus Controller<BR>05:04.1 FireWire (IEEE
1394): Texas Instruments PCIxx12 OHCI Compliant IEEE 1394 Host
Controller<BR>05:04.2 Mass storage controller: Texas Instruments 5-in-1
Multimedia Card Reader (SD/MMC/MS/MS PRO/xD)<BR>05:04.3 Class 0805: Texas
Instruments PCIxx12 SDA Standard Compliant SD Host
<DIV class=editsection style="FLOAT: right; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px">[<A title="Edit section: Configuration" href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/index.php?title=HARDWARE_Gentoo_on_HP_Compaq_nx6325&action=edit&section=7">edit</A>]</DIV><A name=Configuration></A>
<H2>Configuration </H2>
<DIV class=editsection style="FLOAT: right; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px">[<A title="Edit section: The important first" href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/index.php?title=HARDWARE_Gentoo_on_HP_Compaq_nx6325&action=edit&section=8">edit</A>]</DIV><A name=The_important_first></A>
<H3>The important first </H3>
<DIV style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ff7070 2px solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 4px; BORDER-TOP: #ff7070 2px solid; PADDING-LEFT: 4px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; BORDER-LEFT: #ff7070 2px solid; PADDING-TOP: 0px; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ff7070 2px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffc1c1"><B>Warning:</B>
Read this first!</DIV>
<P>The <A title=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DSDT href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DSDT">DSDT table</A> and as a
result the <A title=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ACPI href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ACPI">ACPI</A> management seems
to be badly broken with the original BIOS (Version F00). The latest Knoppix 5.01
won't even boot. Booting with Gentoo LiveCD works but you'll need the latest
Kernel 2.6.17-r1 with two patches to get the temperature / battery readout and
the fan control working. Without that, the CPU might overheat and get damaged
during heavy load (such as compiling a Gentoo stage ...)! </P>
<P><B>Note: The above is not true as far as I can tell. Please refer to <A title=http://forums.amd.com/index.php?s=2731f3bcfa27680d59e00992788318ce&act=ST&f=47&t=77000 href="http://forums.amd.com/index.php?s=2731f3bcfa27680d59e00992788318ce&act=ST&f=47&t=77000">this post</A> According to one of the AMD moderators, "Also note
that all AMD 8th-Generation processors (both desktop and mobile) have a
built-in, hardware-enforced thermal protection which is designed to shut down
the core in order to prevent possible damage once its temperature exceeds the
specified threshold." Furthermore, refer to the following post on the <A title=http://forums.amd.com/index.php?s=2731f3bcfa27680d59e00992788318ce&act=ST&f=47&t=77000 href="http://forums.amd.com/index.php?s=2731f3bcfa27680d59e00992788318ce&act=ST&f=47&t=77000">ACPI mailing list</A> "The author is wrong. Recent HP laptops all
have hardcoded support in the fan control hardware, which will force the fan on
if the temperature rises above 80 degrees." </B></P>
<P><B>Note to the anonymous Note: </B>First, while it is certainly true that the
CPU switches off due to "hardware-enforced thermal protection ", the surrounding
component boiling at maybe 90°C won't get any better .... Second, I don't give a
sh#t what HP says about hardcoded fan control. They are supposed to have a error
free, ACPI compliant BIOS too, no? Fact is, I still can reproduce it any time I
want. Just boot an unpatched kernel, compile a bigger package (gcc) and just
wait until you burn your fingers on the Q key and X gets slow to the crawl (CPU
built-in thermal throttling). Then do a <SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold; COLOR: #000000; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #f2fff2">cat
/proc/acpi/thermal_zone/TZ*/*</SPAN> and plopp it goes and off it wents. If
you're fast enough you'll notice the 110°C on your display... (Chris) </P>
<P>See these bug submissions for more information: </P>
<LI>ThermalZone: <A title=http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5534 href="http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5534">Kernel Bug
5543 </A> : <A title=http://bugzilla.kernel.org/attachment.cgi?id=8029&action=view href="http://bugzilla.kernel.org/attachment.cgi?id=8029&action=view">Patch</A>
<LI>AC/Battery: <A title=http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6455 href="http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6455">Kernel Bug
6455</A> : <A title=http://bugzilla.kernel.org/attachment.cgi?id=8356&action=view href="http://bugzilla.kernel.org/attachment.cgi?id=8356&action=view">Patch</A> </LI></UL><PRE><B>Update 08/19/2006</B>: HP has released a new BIOS. Please see my rant further down for more information.
<P>You can verify if the temperature and fan control is working by doing <SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold; COLOR: #000000; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #f2fff2">cat
/proc/acpi/thermal_zone/TZ*/*</SPAN> </P>
<P>That should get you something like this : </P><PRE>enceladus linux # cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/TZ*/*
<setting not supported>
cooling mode: active
<polling disabled>
state: ok
temperature: 34 C
critical (S5): 105 C
passive: 95 C: tc1=1 tc2=2 tsp=100 devices=0xf7fcefe0 0xf7fce1e0
active[0]: 75 C: devices=0xf7f9a9c0
active[1]: 65 C: devices=0xf7f9c920
active[2]: 55 C: devices=0xf7f9c8a0
active[3]: 45 C: devices=0xf7f9c820
<setting not supported>
cooling mode: passive
<polling disabled>
state: ok
temperature: 42 C
critical (S5): 100 C
passive: 90 C: tc1=1 tc2=2 tsp=300 devices=0xf7fcefe0 0xf7fce1e0
<setting not supported>
cooling mode: passive
<polling disabled>
state: ok
temperature: 35 C
critical (S5): 100 C
passive: 60 C: tc1=1 tc2=2 tsp=300 devices=0xf7fcefe0 0xf7fce1e0
<P>As you can see, there are three thermal zones with CPU, video and probably
case from top to down. Here, the current CPU temperature is at 34°C with
<B>state ok</B>. That means the fan is spinning at the lowest level. Pretty
amazing for a Dual Core CPU (Powernowd is running and sets the CPU to low power
mode. More later). The fan will change to higher rev at 45°C and <B>state</B>
would change to <B>active [3] </B>. If you run something lightly CPU intensive
or powernowd isn't yet running, you're probably at this state. This is still
nearly unaudiable. Even active[2] is still low noise. Never managed to get
active[0] so far even during summer and 25°C ambient. So cooling is no concern
with this laptop under normal circumstances and working power management. </P>
<P>It's normal that those threshold temperatures will change once they are
reached. For example, if you reach 45°C the fan spins faster and the threshold
changes to 40°C. So it will slow down when the temperature drops down to 40°C.
This is called <A title=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hysteresis href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hysteresis">hysteresis</A>. </P>
<P>So now to see if it's working do a <SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold; COLOR: #000000; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #f2fff2">watch cat
/proc/acpi/thermal_zone/TZ*/*</SPAN> in one console and in the other do
something CPU intensive like <SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold; COLOR: #000000; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #f2fff2">openssl
speed</SPAN>. You now should see the CPU temp rising and when a threshold is
reached, the state should change and the fans should spin faster (or slower if
the temp is going down again). </P>
<DIV class=editsection style="FLOAT: right; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px">[<A title="Edit section: make.conf" href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/index.php?title=HARDWARE_Gentoo_on_HP_Compaq_nx6325&action=edit&section=9">edit</A>]</DIV><A name=make.conf></A>
<H3>make.conf </H3>
<P>Read this: <A title="Safe Cflags" href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/Safe_Cflags#Turion64_.28AMD.29">Safe
Cflags#Turion64 (AMD)</A> </P>
<TABLE cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="75%">
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #995 2px dashed; PADDING-RIGHT: 4px; BORDER-TOP: #995 2px dashed; PADDING-LEFT: 4px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; BORDER-LEFT: #995 2px dashed; PADDING-TOP: 0px; BORDER-BOTTOM: #995 2px dashed; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ff9"><FONT size=-1><B>FIXME:</B> correct this if necessary:</FONT>
<TABLE style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ffbfbf 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #ffbfbf 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #ffbfbf 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ffbfbf 1px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff2f2" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="75%">
<TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: #888 1px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffafaf"><FONT size=-1><B>File:</B> /etc/make.conf</FONT> </TD></TR>
<DIV class=scroll><PRE>CFLAGS="-march=athlon64 -O2 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer"
#ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="amd64 ~amd64" # for having an unstable system :)
#MAKEOPTS="-j3" # for using both CPU's when compiling
#LINGUAS="de en" # for multilanguage-support
#VIDEO_CARDS="radeon vesa" # if you want to use the kerneldriver
<P>Read this for <A title="USE flags" href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/USE_flags">USE=""</A> </P>
<DIV class=editsection style="FLOAT: right; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px">[<A title="Edit section: Kernel config" href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/index.php?title=HARDWARE_Gentoo_on_HP_Compaq_nx6325&action=edit&section=10">edit</A>]</DIV><A name=Kernel_config></A>
<H3>Kernel config </H3>
<TABLE cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="75%">
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #995 2px dashed; PADDING-RIGHT: 4px; BORDER-TOP: #995 2px dashed; PADDING-LEFT: 4px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; BORDER-LEFT: #995 2px dashed; PADDING-TOP: 0px; BORDER-BOTTOM: #995 2px dashed; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ff9"><FONT size=-1><B>FIXME:</B> add my kernel config here</FONT>
<P>I have build nearly all my modules into the kernel. </P>
<DIV class=editsection style="FLOAT: right; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px">[<A title="Edit section: Xorg and Configuration" href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/index.php?title=HARDWARE_Gentoo_on_HP_Compaq_nx6325&action=edit&section=11">edit</A>]</DIV><A name=Xorg_and_Configuration></A>
<H3>Xorg and Configuration </H3>
<P>For the basics, see the modular <A title="HOWTO Modular Xorg" href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Modular_Xorg">Xorg FAQ</A>. </P>
<DIV style="BORDER-RIGHT: #a0ffa0 1px solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 2px; BORDER-TOP: #a0ffa0 1px solid; PADDING-LEFT: 2px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 1px; BORDER-LEFT: #a0ffa0 1px solid; PADDING-TOP: 1px; BORDER-BOTTOM: #a0ffa0 1px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #c1ffc1"><B>Note:</B>
New ATi drivers are XOrg 7.1 capable although a user comments that he had to
upgrade to xorg-server-1.1.1 to remove some errors. Read <A title="HOWTO ATI Drivers" href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_ATI_Drivers">HOWTO
ATI Drivers</A></DIV>
<P>I use the latest ATI 8.26.18-r1 drivers. Since those drivers are still not
xorg7.1 capable, you'll have to mask those along with the related ebuilds: </P>
<TABLE style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ffbfbf 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #ffbfbf 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #ffbfbf 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ffbfbf 1px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff2f2" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="75%">
<TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: #888 1px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffafaf"><FONT size=-1><B>File:</B> /etc/portage/packages.mask</FONT> </TD></TR>
<DIV class=scroll><PRE>>=x11-base/xorg-server-1.1.0-r1
<P>You can compile the vesa and radeon framebuffer into your kernel. But no DRI
please. See also the <A title="HOWTO ATI Drivers" href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_ATI_Drivers">Gentoo ATI-Howto</A> </P>
<P>To get a nice resolution console screen and to get rid of the mttr error
(because the radeonfb and ATI drivers are fighting for it), try to add this to
your kernel boot line in grub: </P><PRE>video=vesafb:nomtrr:3,ywrap,1400x1050-16@60
<P>To get USB mouse AND touchpad to work: </P>
<TABLE style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ffbfbf 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #ffbfbf 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #ffbfbf 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ffbfbf 1px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff2f2" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="75%">
<TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: #888 1px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffafaf"><FONT size=-1><B>File:</B> /etc/X11/xorg.conf</FONT> </TD></TR>
<DIV class=scroll><PRE>###########################
Section "InputDevice"
Driver "mouse"
Identifier "Mouse[1]"
Option "ButtonNumber" "5"
Option "Buttons" "5"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
Option "Name" "Autodetection"
Option "Protocol" "auto"
Option "Vendor" "Sysp"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
Section "InputDevice"
Driver "mouse"
Identifier "Mouse[2]"
Option "Buttons" "5"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
Option "Name" "Autodetected"
Option "Protocol" "auto"
Option "Vendor" "AutoDetected"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
<P><BR>and add this to the ServerLayout section: </P>
<TABLE style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ffbfbf 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #ffbfbf 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #ffbfbf 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ffbfbf 1px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff2f2" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="75%">
<TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: #888 1px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffafaf"><FONT size=-1><B>File:</B> /etc/X11/xorg.conf</FONT> </TD></TR>
<DIV class=scroll><PRE>InputDevice "Mouse[1]" "CorePointer"
InputDevice "Mouse[2]" "SendCoreEvents"
<P>A common problem is, that as user you get no DRI as user but as root it works
fine. So add this: </P>
<TABLE style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ffbfbf 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #ffbfbf 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #ffbfbf 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ffbfbf 1px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff2f2" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="75%">
<TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: #888 1px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffafaf"><FONT size=-1><B>File:</B> /etc/X11/xorg.conf</FONT> </TD></TR>
<DIV class=scroll><PRE>Section "DRI"
Group "video"
Mode 0660
<P>And make sure you add your user to the video group. </P>
<P>To get the Display brightness buttons to work even under X, put this line (or
uncommend it) in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf under Section "Device": </P>
<TABLE style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ffbfbf 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #ffbfbf 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #ffbfbf 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ffbfbf 1px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff2f2" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="75%">
<TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: #888 1px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffafaf"><FONT size=-1><B>File:</B> /etc/X11/xorg.conf</FONT> </TD></TR>
<DIV class=scroll><PRE>Option "UseInternalAGPGART" "no"
<DIV class=editsection style="FLOAT: right; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px">[<A title="Edit section: PCMCIA Configuration" href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/index.php?title=HARDWARE_Gentoo_on_HP_Compaq_nx6325&action=edit&section=12">edit</A>]</DIV><A name=PCMCIA_Configuration></A>
<H3>PCMCIA Configuration </H3>
<P>Just compile the Yenta_Socket module into the kernel.I haven't used it so
far, but it's pretty common hardware and so it should work fine. </P>
<DIV class=editsection style="FLOAT: right; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px">[<A title="Edit section: Onboard Gigabit Ethernet" href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/index.php?title=HARDWARE_Gentoo_on_HP_Compaq_nx6325&action=edit&section=13">edit</A>]</DIV><A name=Onboard_Gigabit_Ethernet></A>
<H3>Onboard Gigabit Ethernet </H3>
<P>The appropriate kernel module is the Broadcom Tigeon (tg3). Just compile it
into the kernel. </P>
<DIV class=editsection style="FLOAT: right; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px">[<A title="Edit section: Onboard Wireless (802.11)" href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/index.php?title=HARDWARE_Gentoo_on_HP_Compaq_nx6325&action=edit&section=14">edit</A>]</DIV><A name=Onboard_Wireless_.28802.11.29></A>
<H3>Onboard Wireless (802.11) </H3>
<P>First I tried the modules that comes with the kernel. No go. So I went on to
use ndiswrapper. There's a nice How-To <A title=https://lists.berlios.de/pipermail/bcm43xx-dev/2006-April/001660.html href="https://lists.berlios.de/pipermail/bcm43xx-dev/2006-April/001660.html">here</A>. (Or rather <A title=http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/Main_Page href="http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/Main_Page">here</A>.) </P>
<P>The wireless button on the keyboard seems to work in that way, that it
disables the antenna. </P>
<P><B>Update 2006/08/21</B> - the 64 bit driver from HP worked for me with
ndiswrapper. Get it <A title=http://h18007.www1.hp.com/support/files/hpcpqnk/us/download/23638.html href="http://h18007.www1.hp.com/support/files/hpcpqnk/us/download/23638.html">here</A> (John Heath). Had been nice is the .sys and .inf files was
downloadable for linux only users. </P>
<P><B>Update 2006/11/13</B> - I have patched 2.6.18-gentoo-r2 kernel with the
patch downloaded from <A title=http://kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/linville/wireless-2.6/upstream/0013-bcm43xx-add-PCI-E-code.txt href="http://kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/linville/wireless-2.6/upstream/0013-bcm43xx-add-PCI-E-code.txt">here</A> (maybe 2.6.19 will have it out of the box) and used
firmware cutted using bcm43xx-fwcutter from bcmwl5a.sys file included in <A title=http://www.linksys.com/servlet/Satellite?blobcol=urldata&blobheadername1=Content-Type&blobheadername2=Content-Disposition&blobheadervalue1=application%2Fx-msdownload&blobheadervalue2=inline%3B+filename%3DWMP54GSv1.1_20050428.exe&blobkey=id&blobtable=MungoBlobs&blobwhere=1124848568427&ssbinary=true href="http://www.linksys.com/servlet/Satellite?blobcol=urldata&blobheadername1=Content-Type&blobheadername2=Content-Disposition&blobheadervalue1=application%2Fx-msdownload&blobheadervalue2=inline%3B+filename%3DWMP54GSv1.1_20050428.exe&blobkey=id&blobtable=MungoBlobs&blobwhere=1124848568427&ssbinary=true">this file</A>. After loading bcm43xx module everything seems to
work with the native GPL'ed Linux driver. I can see network interface and I can
make it up with ifconfig. I have scanned the air using iwconfig and my wifi nic
found an access point. Because this AP uses WEP and I don't wanna crack it and
my AP is dead so I have to wait for repairing my AP. Try to use this patch and
test your WiFi connection. Good luck! (Tomasz Chilinski). </P>
<P><B>Update 2006/12/07</B> - PCI-E code for BCM is now in 2.6-git tree. <A title=http://www.kernel.org/git/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git;a=commit;h=f3d1fca3eb05cf6ff3879a385a15d24fbf556c57 href="http://www.kernel.org/git/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git;a=commit;h=f3d1fca3eb05cf6ff3879a385a15d24fbf556c57">Link</A> (Grzegorz Chwesewicz - information from Tomasz Chilinski)
<P><B>Update 2006/12/27</B> - As Greg wrote above patch with PCI-E support has
been commited to mainstream kernel 2.6.20. Unfortunately I wasn't able to find
any firmware which would make wifi working. On <A title=http://www.mail-archive.com/bcm43xx-dev@lists.berlios.de/msg02117.html href="http://www.mail-archive.com/bcm43xx-dev@lists.berlios.de/msg02117.html">bcm43xx-devel</A> mailing list people describe their problem
histories and try to find a solution (Tomasz Chilinski). </P>
<DIV class=editsection style="FLOAT: right; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px">[<A title="Edit section: Onboard Bluetooth" href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/index.php?title=HARDWARE_Gentoo_on_HP_Compaq_nx6325&action=edit&section=15">edit</A>]</DIV><A name=Onboard_Bluetooth></A>
<H3>Onboard Bluetooth </H3>
<P>Not set up and not tested. But since the HW is not much different, this <A title="HARDWARE Gentoo on HP Compaq nc6220" href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/HARDWARE_Gentoo_on_HP_Compaq_nc6220">guide</A>
should work just fine. </P>
<P><B>Update 2006/08/12</B> - Bluetooth works 100% with kbluetoothd daemon.
(Leon Lessing) </P>
<P><B>Update 2006/09/28</B> - If you want to use Bluetooth headset (i.e.
Plantronics Voyager 510) read <A title="HOWTO use a bluetooth headset" href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_use_a_bluetooth_headset">the article about
using bluetooth headset</A> and especially pay attention to <A title="HOWTO use a bluetooth headset" href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_use_a_bluetooth_headset#Troubleshooting">troubleshooting
section</A>, because unfortunately the laptop has builtin Broadcom controller.
After patching my kernel 2.6.17-gentoo-r8, headset started working, but the
voice often disappers. (Tomasz Chilinski). </P>
<P><B>Update 2007/01/02</B> - If you use gentoo-sources 2.6.18 or later you
should modify hci_usb.c file with adding the following code snippet to
<B>blacklist_ids[]</B> table (Tomasz Chilinski): </P>
<TABLE style="BORDER-RIGHT: #bfffbf 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #bfffbf 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #bfffbf 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #bfffbf 1px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #f2fff2" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="75%">
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #a0ffa0 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #a0ffa0 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #a0ffa0 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #888 1px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #c1ffc1"><FONT size=-1><B>Code:</B> drivers/bluetooth/hci_usb.c</FONT> </TD></TR>
/* HP nx6325 with Broadcom chip */
{ USB_DEVICE(0x03f0, 0x171d), .driver_info = HCI_WRONG_SCO_MTU },
<DIV class=editsection style="FLOAT: right; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px">[<A title="Edit section: Onboard Sound" href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/index.php?title=HARDWARE_Gentoo_on_HP_Compaq_nx6325&action=edit&section=16">edit</A>]</DIV><A name=Onboard_Sound></A>
<H3>Onboard Sound </H3>
<P>Once again, the kernel modules snd_intel_hda won't work. Try the alsa ebuild
as described <A title="HOWTO ALSA sound mixer aka dmix" href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_ALSA_sound_mixer_aka_dmix">here</A>. If it
still won't work then try <A title=http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-469379-highlight-intel+hda+audio.html href="http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-469379-highlight-intel+hda+audio.html">this</A>. </P>
<P><B>Annotation 2006/11/28</B> - With 2.6.18-r3, you can use the snd-hda-intel
module. </P>
<P>Even then, it wouldn't work for me. After searching back and forth, I had to
add/change this: </P>
<TABLE style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ffbfbf 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #ffbfbf 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #ffbfbf 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ffbfbf 1px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff2f2" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="75%">
<TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: #888 1px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffafaf"><FONT size=-1><B>File:</B> /etc/modules.d/alsa</FONT> </TD></TR>
<DIV class=scroll><PRE>alias snd-card-0 snd-hda-intel
options snd-hda-intel model=hp position_fix=1 enable=yes
<P>To make the keyboard keys for sound up/down and mute work, prepare the
following file: </P>
<TABLE style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ffbfbf 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #ffbfbf 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #ffbfbf 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ffbfbf 1px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff2f2" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="75%">
<TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: #888 1px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffafaf"><FONT size=-1><B>File:</B> ~/.Xmodmap</FONT> </TD></TR>
<DIV class=scroll><PRE>keycode 160 = XF86AudioMute
keycode 174 = XF86AudioLowerVolume
keycode 176 = XF86AudioRaiseVolume
<P>and then if you want to enable these keys in KDE create the following script
in your home directory: </P>
<TABLE style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ffbfbf 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #ffbfbf 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #ffbfbf 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ffbfbf 1px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff2f2" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="75%">
<TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: #888 1px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffafaf"><FONT size=-1><B>File:</B> ~/.xprofile</FONT> </TD></TR>
<DIV class=scroll><PRE>/usr/bin/xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap
<P>If you need more informations, read article about using <A title="HOWTO Use Multimedia Keys" href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Use_Multimedia_Keys">multimedia keys</A>.
<P><B>Update 2006/11/26</B> - In KDE the keyboard keys for sound up/down and
mute worked for me without the files .Xmodmap and .xprofile after I changed the
keyboard layout to type "Hewlett-Packard Internet Keyboard" in Control Center
-> Regional & Accessibility -> Keyboard Layout. (Oliver Löhr) </P>
<DIV class=editsection style="FLOAT: right; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px">[<A title="Edit section: Onboard Modem" href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/index.php?title=HARDWARE_Gentoo_on_HP_Compaq_nx6325&action=edit&section=17">edit</A>]</DIV><A name=Onboard_Modem></A>
<H3>Onboard Modem </H3>
<P>Bleh. </P>
<DIV class=editsection style="FLOAT: right; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px">[<A title="Edit section: Finger Print Sensor" href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/index.php?title=HARDWARE_Gentoo_on_HP_Compaq_nx6325&action=edit&section=18">edit</A>]</DIV><A name=Finger_Print_Sensor></A>
<H3>Finger Print Sensor </H3>
<P>After trying it in Windows XP, I found this toy to be
extremly...cool. :) </P>
<P>I will try to set it up later, but already provide links down in the link
section. </P>
<P><B>Update (07/09/2006): </B>The link below contains an ebuild that doens't
work with new gcc >= 4.x versions. <A title=http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/How_to_enable_the_fingerprint_reader href="http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/How_to_enable_the_fingerprint_reader">This link</A> contains a patch for this. I have modified the ebuild
will make it available soon. Just let me do some more testing. </P>
<P><B>Update (07/11/2006): </B>OK, now. This fingerprint sensor is diffferent
from the Think Pads. It's no Upec but an AuthenTec AES 2501: </P>
<TABLE style="BORDER-RIGHT: #bfffbf 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #bfffbf 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #bfffbf 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #bfffbf 1px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #f2fff2" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="75%">
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #a0ffa0 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #a0ffa0 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #a0ffa0 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #888 1px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #c1ffc1"><FONT size=-1><B>Code:</B> lsusb -v</FONT> </TD></TR>
<TD><PRE>Bus 003 Device 002: ID 08ff:2580 AuthenTec, Inc.
Device Descriptor:
bLength 18
bDescriptorType 1
bcdUSB 1.10
bDeviceClass 255 Vendor Specific Class
bDeviceSubClass 255 Vendor Specific Subclass
bDeviceProtocol 255 Vendor Specific Protocol
bMaxPacketSize0 8
idVendor 0x08ff AuthenTec, Inc.
idProduct 0x2580
bcdDevice 6.21
iManufacturer 0
iProduct 1 Fingerprint Sensor
iSerial 0
bNumConfigurations 1
Configuration Descriptor:
bLength 9
bDescriptorType 2
wTotalLength 32
bNumInterfaces 1
bConfigurationValue 1
iConfiguration 0
bmAttributes 0xa0
Remote Wakeup
MaxPower 100mA
Interface Descriptor:
bLength 9
bDescriptorType 4
bInterfaceNumber 0
bAlternateSetting 0
bNumEndpoints 2
bInterfaceClass 255 Vendor Specific Class
bInterfaceSubClass 255 Vendor Specific Subclass
bInterfaceProtocol 255 Vendor Specific Protocol
iInterface 0
Endpoint Descriptor:
bLength 7
bDescriptorType 5
bEndpointAddress 0x81 EP 1 IN
bmAttributes 2
Transfer Type Bulk
Synch Type None
Usage Type Data
wMaxPacketSize 0x0020 1x 32 bytes
bInterval 0
Endpoint Descriptor:
bLength 7
bDescriptorType 5
bEndpointAddress 0x02 EP 2 OUT
bmAttributes 2
Transfer Type Bulk
Synch Type None
Usage Type Data
wMaxPacketSize 0x0008 1x 8 bytes
bInterval 0
<P>There's more info <A title=https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FingerprintAuthentication href="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FingerprintAuthentication">at
Ubuntu</A> and from <A title=http://gkall.hobby.nl/authentec.html href="http://gkall.hobby.nl/authentec.html">this guy</A>, who is
also working an a GUI frontend based on SANE. To quote: "When Authentec was
contacted in January of 2006, they also stated that they were working on a linux
driver, to be released within six months." Hopefully, once the drivers are
released, they can be used with the bioapi framework. </P>
<P><B>Update (09/03/2006): </B>There's Linux mentioned as <I>supported OS</I> in
the Authentec's AES 2501B <A title=http://www.authentec.com/docs/3069_EntrePad2501B_ProdBrief.pdf href="http://www.authentec.com/docs/3069_EntrePad2501B_ProdBrief.pdf">product specification</A>. </P>
<P>There is apparently a test suite for the Authentec sensors available. I've
not tested it but it might be a good start - seems to include source for some
driver? If not it could be reverse-engineered. <A title=http://verifinger-standard-sdk-linux-demo.download-576-38625.datapicks.com/ href="http://verifinger-standard-sdk-linux-demo.download-576-38625.datapicks.com/">[1]</A> </P>
<P><B>Update (09/03/2006): </B>This test suite has size only 500 kB. There is NO
source code for any Authentec in this suite. AES 4000 is only supported in this.
All capabilities of this suite are linked in one executable. </P>
<P>For now: - <B>may be working </B>- </P>
<P><B>Update (09/05/2006): </B>There exist <A title=http://gkall.hobby.nl/authentec_aes2501_image_algorithm.txt href="http://gkall.hobby.nl/authentec_aes2501_image_algorithm.txt">description</A> of the data format used in authentec devices at <A title=http://gkall.hobby.nl/authentec.html href="http://gkall.hobby.nl/authentec.html">this site</A> as you
can <A title=http://gkall.hobby.nl/authentec_finger_screen_1.jpg href="http://gkall.hobby.nl/authentec_finger_screen_1.jpg">see</A>.
Thanks for Andreas Grotz. I hope it takes not so long to release working linux
driver. </P>
<P><B>Update (09/13/2006): </B>First USB userspace <A title=http://www.ag-networking.com/ href="http://www.ag-networking.com/">driver</A> was released. </P>
<DIV class=editsection style="FLOAT: right; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px">[<A title="Edit section: Onboard cardreader" href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/index.php?title=HARDWARE_Gentoo_on_HP_Compaq_nx6325&action=edit&section=19">edit</A>]</DIV><A name=Onboard_cardreader></A>
<H3>Onboard cardreader </H3>
<P>Apparently it works when using a >= 2.6.17 kernel and running <SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold; COLOR: #000000; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #f2fff2">setpci -s
02:04.2 4c=0x22</SPAN> to enable it. "02:04.2" is the pci address ( use <SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold; COLOR: #000000; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #f2fff2">/sbin/lspci
| grep "Multimedia Card Reader"</SPAN> or similar to find it). <A title=http://www.andreas-kleisun.homepage.t-online.de/FC5_on_nx6325.html#mozTocId663296 href="http://www.andreas-kleisun.homepage.t-online.de/FC5_on_nx6325.html#mozTocId663296">[2]</A> </P>
<DIV class=editsection style="FLOAT: right; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px">[<A title="Edit section: Suspend-to-Disk" href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/index.php?title=HARDWARE_Gentoo_on_HP_Compaq_nx6325&action=edit&section=20">edit</A>]</DIV><A name=Suspend-to-Disk></A>
<H3>Suspend-to-Disk </H3>
<P>Not tried. But see this <A title="HARDWARE Gentoo on HP Compaq nc6220" href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/HARDWARE_Gentoo_on_HP_Compaq_nc6220">guide</A> from
above. He has done a good job. </P>
<DIV class=editsection style="FLOAT: right; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px">[<A title="Edit section: ACPI Configuration" href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/index.php?title=HARDWARE_Gentoo_on_HP_Compaq_nx6325&action=edit&section=21">edit</A>]</DIV><A name=ACPI_Configuration></A>
<H3>ACPI Configuration </H3>
<P>As I already mentioned, the DSDT / ACPI tables of this laptop and BIOS F00
seems to be badly broken. If you're not interrested, skip this section entirely.
<P>I extracted the DSDT table and tried to recompile it with iasl so it spits
out the errors. I fixed them and only left the warnings (to which I had no
solutions anyway) and patched my kernel and initramfs to load the custom DSDT
instead. Well, it works but didn't fix anything. </P>
<P>Things that are broken/need patching: </P>
<LI>Thermal and Fan Control (only patches/workarounds)
<LI>AC/Battery Status (only patches/workarounds)
<LI>Sometimes it just won't boot (Read <A title=http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7194 href="http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7194">this</A>,
and for a solution <A title=http://home.no/slazz/nx6310/nx6310.html href="http://home.no/slazz/nx6310/nx6310.html">go here</A>.
<P>The latter is a rather strange issue. I noticed this after the initial
Windows XP setup. The system did a reboot but hung with a black screen. I had to
stay on the power switch for 5 seconds to turn it off. But after turning on
again, still black screen. Fans are spinning, DVD is seeking but nothing else. I
took out AC and battery, put them back in and still nothing. I got pissed. But
the fourth try surpsingly went through.I thought what the hell and moved on with
my repartition and install (Gentoo of course).I had to reboot a few times and
got the same behaviour again. Only that sometimes it worked the first try,
sometimes I needed a couple of power off/on cycles. And there are three versions
of "not booting" as strange as it sounds: </P>
<LI>fans spinning, DVD seeking, black screen (backlight completely off)>
<LI>fans spinning, DVD seeking, black screen but backlight on and a blinking
cursor > nothing
<LI>the system eventually boots, but the the HP logo stays for much longer,
the F9 / F10 Options disappear like in slow motion, Gentoo boots but stops two
times for a second at the kernel messages and shows strange behaviour after
that (for example, the AC/Battery status won't be updated anymore despite the
patch) </LI></UL>
<P>If the system comes up, and the HP logo and boot options disappear in about 5
seconds, then it's all fine. No "stop" during boot, AC/Battery status works as
intended. </P>
<P>Just for information, here are the acpi errors (only the errors): </P>
<TABLE style="BORDER-RIGHT: #bfffbf 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #bfffbf 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #bfffbf 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #bfffbf 1px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #f2fff2" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="75%">
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #a0ffa0 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #a0ffa0 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #a0ffa0 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #888 1px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #c1ffc1"><FONT size=-1><B>Code:</B> dmesg output</FONT> </TD></TR>
ACPI Error (psloop-0193): Found unknown opcode FD at AML address f8802706 offset E8, ignoring [20060127]
ACPI Error (psloop-0193): Found unknown opcode FD at AML address f88027f7 offset 1D9, ignoring [20060127]
ACPI Error (psloop-0193): Found unknown opcode FD at AML address f8802706 offset E8, ignoring [20060127]
ACPI Error (psloop-0193): Found unknown opcode FD at AML address f88027f7 offset 1D9, ignoring [20060127]
ACPI Error (evgpeblk-0284): Unknown GPE method type: C34E (name not of form _Lxx or _Exx) [20060127]
ACPI Error (evgpeblk-0284): Unknown GPE method type: C253 (name not of form _Lxx or _Exx) [20060127]
ACPI Error (evgpeblk-0284): Unknown GPE method type: C34F (name not of form _Lxx or _Exx) [20060127]
ACPI Error (evgpeblk-0284): Unknown GPE method type: C350 (name not of form _Lxx or _Exx) [20060127]
ACPI Error (evgpeblk-0284): Unknown GPE method type: C21D (name not of form _Lxx or _Exx) [20060127]
ACPI Error (evgpeblk-0284): Unknown GPE method type: C351 (name not of form _Lxx or _Exx) [20060127]
ACPI Error (evgpeblk-0284): Unknown GPE method type: C352 (name not of form _Lxx or _Exx) [20060127]
<P>I search Google for those errors but couldn't find anything useful. </P>
<P>Also I get dozens and dozens of those (it's APIC and not ACPI but related):
<TABLE style="BORDER-RIGHT: #bfffbf 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #bfffbf 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #bfffbf 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #bfffbf 1px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #f2fff2" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="75%">
<TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #a0ffa0 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #a0ffa0 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #a0ffa0 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #888 1px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #c1ffc1"><FONT size=-1><B>Code:</B> dmesg output</FONT> </TD></TR>
<TD><PRE>APIC error on CPU0: 40(40)
<P>Searching Google, the common opinion on this is: mostly harmless. My feeling
says bullsh*t. They say disable it with noapic on the kernel options. But with
this, I'd probably disable the SMP code also and would lose my second CPU core.
I'd really, <B>really</B> like to know what's going on. So if someone with more
ACPI knowledge could look into this? I can provide the DSDT with my fixes and
all. At this point, I even can't rule out faulty hardware. I've got three years
on-site NBD support, so maybe I'll give it a try. </P>
<P><B>Update 07/17/06:</B> After running into even more problems (VMWare won't
run), I just tried it. I added </P><PRE>noapic
<P>to my kernel boot line. Now the APIC errors shown in <SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold; COLOR: #000000; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #f2fff2">dmesg</SPAN>
are gone. And VMware works just fine. I'll report if any problems occur. Just
for reference, here's my complete boot line: </P><PRE>kernel (hd0,2)/kernel-2.6.17-gentoo-r2 pci=assign-busses noapic root=/dev/sda6 video=vesafb:nomtrr:3,ywrap,1400x1050-16@60
<P><B>Update07/23/2006</B>: I found time to fix the DSDT Table. You can get it
<A title=http://acpi.sourceforge.net/dsdt/view.php?id=651 href="http://acpi.sourceforge.net/dsdt/view.php?id=651">here</A>.
This is the ready compiled version to include in your initramfs or kernel. If
you want the source, drop me a mail. </P>
<P><B>Update 08/12/2006</B>: Starting my notebook from 'cold' on batteries
causes thermal run-a-way, but I have downlaoded and applied the 2.6.17
acpi patch, now at least the temperatures updates and it shows the run-a-way,
but the fans statys 'off'. I have not found a way to manually start the fans.
(Leon Lessing) New edit updating my BIOS to F.02 has fixed the run-away hassle.
<P><B>Update 08/19/2006</B>: My notebook died last week. It simply wouldn't turn
on anymore or shut down after a few seconds. I got the systemboard replaced. My
problems with "not booting" are now gone. I also noticed that HP finally
published a new BIOS F.02. I immediately flashed it and upgrade to
gentoo-sources 2.6.17-r5. Results: </P>
<LI>The ACPI error during boot (Found unknown opcode ) is gone
<LI>The ACPI error during boot (Unknown GPE method) is still there
<LI>Thermal readings and fan control is working without patch
<LI>"noapci" on the kernel boot line is not neccessary anymore. The APIC
errors in the dmesg output are gone.
<LI>Battery/AC Updates is still not working out-of-the-box. The old patch I
linked above is not working anymore. I've attached a new one: </LI></UL>
<TABLE style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ffbfbf 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #ffbfbf 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #ffbfbf 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ffbfbf 1px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff2f2" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="75%">
<TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: #888 1px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffafaf"><FONT size=-1><B>File:</B> </FONT></TD></TR>
<DIV class=scroll><PRE>--- linux-2.6.17-gentoo-r5/drivers/acpi/ec.c 2006-08-19 09:12:19.000000000 +0200
+++ /root/temp/linux-2.6.17-gentoo-r5/drivers/acpi/ec.c 2006-08-19 08:43:39.000000000 +0200
@@ -243,6 +243,7 @@
if (~acpi_ec_read_status(ec) & ACPI_EC_FLAG_IBF)
+ ec->intr.expect_event = 0;
@@ -787,19 +787,22 @@
if (!(value & ACPI_EC_FLAG_OBF))
+ ec->intr.expect_event = 0;
+ wake_up(&ec->intr.wait);
+ break;
if ((value & ACPI_EC_FLAG_IBF))
ec->intr.expect_event = 0;
+ break;
<P><B>Update 08/19/2006</B>: </P>
<P>I'm now playing with the 2.6.18-suspend2 kernel. As suspected, ACPI thermals
and fans didn't work. For solutions please see my <A title=http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7194 href="http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7194">Bugzilla
entry</A>. </P>
<P><BR><B>Update 11/12/2006</B>: </P>
<P>For me were issues with Fan/Thermal fixed using updated BIOS and
2.6.18-suspend2 kernel with options <B>noapic</B> and <B>nolapic</B> together
with these three patches: </P>
<P><A title=http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7122#c52 href="http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7122#c52">[3]</A>,
<A title=http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5534#c159 href="http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5534#c159">[4]</A>, <A title=http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5534#c160 href="http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5534#c160">[5]</A>
<P>The noapic and nolapic options should be AFAIK used only on the Sempron
versions of the nx6325 (such as mine is) because on dulacore Turion64 based
boxes it is necessary to have APIC enabled because of SMP. (<B>Question:</B>
does the noapic question really disable or interfere with dual core? trilexx)
But without these options passed to the kernel my suspend-to-disk hangs. </P>
<P>So now I have even suspend-to-disk (haven't tried RAM) working and correct
ACPI behavior... (Ctibor Brančík) </P>
<P><B>Update 11/23/2006</B>: </P>
<P>A few corrections. The following patches fix thermal and fan control problems
if you don't need to use S4 state: <A title=http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5534#c159 href="http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5534#c159">[6]</A>, <A title=http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5534#c160 href="http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5534#c160">[7]</A>. </P>
<P>Otherwise you have to apply those patches too: <A title=http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7122#c38 href="http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7122#c38">[8]</A>,
<A title=http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7122#c52 href="http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7122#c52">[9]</A>.
<P>More details about mentioned patches at <A title=http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5534 href="http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5534">[10]</A> and
<A title=http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7122 href="http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7122">[11]</A>
respectively. </P>
<P>Afterwards both S3 and S4 (swsusp) states work. There are some minor
problems, but aren't critical. No need for kernel parameters <B>noapic</B> and
<B>nolapic</B>. Remember to change DPMS mode of display (use vbetool) and to
unload a few nasty modules (rfcomm, hidp, l2cap, ohci1394, bluetooth, button,
sdhci, ohci_hcd, uhci_hcd) before changing your box state. In short make some
scripts that handle this or use ready-to-go tools like pm-utils. </P>
<P>Don't use F.04 BIOS as it screws S3 and S4 up totally. Although you might
find it useful just to enable TPM module (and then go back to F.02). All my
comments apply to kernel and Turion X2 box. (user who doesn't quite
understand why HP - ironically co-founder of the standard - is unable to provide
fully compliant ACPI implementation) </P>
<P><B>ATTENTION:</B> There is a thread in the official forums of HP containing a
request for a bios with a fixed dsdt table and full linux acpi support. Please
post there. I know that this did help in the case of the nx7400, HP answered
with a fixed BIOS. Click <A title=http://forums1.itrc.hp.com/service/forums/bizsupport/questionanswer.do?threadId=1079573 href="http://forums1.itrc.hp.com/service/forums/bizsupport/questionanswer.do?threadId=1079573">here</A> to check out the Thread and make some noise! :)
trilexx </P>
<P><B>Update 24/2/2007</B>: With linux prepatch release 2.6.21-r1 the acpi
problems are gone :-) </P>
<DIV class=editsection style="FLOAT: right; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px">[<A title="Edit section: PowerNow" href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/index.php?title=HARDWARE_Gentoo_on_HP_Compaq_nx6325&action=edit&section=22">edit</A>]</DIV><A name=PowerNow></A>
<H3>PowerNow </H3>
<P>Intels equivalent is SpeedStep. Basicly, it means that the CPU is clocked
down and the voltage is reduced to save power during low or no processing
demand. Good idea to use it. Look at the kernel config section for the options
and emerge powernowd. Add it to the default boot scripts. It works fine out of
the box but of course you can tweak it through config files. </P>
<P>In KDE I just used KLaptop for the Battery/AC status and some more useful
settings. </P>
<DIV class=editsection style="FLOAT: right; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px">[<A title="Edit section: Links" href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/index.php?title=HARDWARE_Gentoo_on_HP_Compaq_nx6325&action=edit&section=23">edit</A>]</DIV><A name=Links></A>
<H2>Links </H2>
<P>In addition to the already provide links above, I find these to be very
useful: </P>
<LI><A title=http://tuxmobil.org/ href="http://tuxmobil.org/">TuxMobil</A>
<LI><A title="HOWTO Gentoo on laptops" href="http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Gentoo_on_laptops">Gentoo on Laptops</A>
<LI><A title=http://www.xs4all.nl/~bsamwel/laptop_mode/ href="http://www.xs4all.nl/~bsamwel/laptop_mode/">LaptopMode</A>
<LI><A title=http://linux.spiney.org/debian_gnu_linux_on_an_ibm_thinkpad_t43p_fingerprint_reader href="http://linux.spiney.org/debian_gnu_linux_on_an_ibm_thinkpad_t43p_fingerprint_reader">Finger Print on T43</A>
<LI><A title=http://toe.ch/~tsa/ibm-fingerprint/ href="http://toe.ch/~tsa/ibm-fingerprint/">Finger Print Gentoo
<LI><A title=http://www.qrivy.net/~michael/blua/upek-bsp.html href="http://www.qrivy.net/~michael/blua/upek-bsp.html">Finger
Print Drivers</A>
<LI><A title=http://tuxmobil.org/ href="http://tuxmobil.org/">http://tuxmobil.org/</A>
<LI><A title=http://h20195.www2.hp.com/v2/pdf/4AA0-4795EEE.pdf href="http://h20195.www2.hp.com/v2/pdf/4AA0-4795EEE.pdf">HP
Compaq nx6325 Business Notebook-PC</A> </LI></UL><!--
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