[CentOS-mirror] New mirror

Fri Oct 23 20:48:40 UTC 2009
Nick Olsen <Nick at 141networks.com>

I wouldn't mind having just a net-install iso.
I'm lucky enough to have a decent connection at home, Atleast for around 
here, of about 30/5
And my second mirror at work is on symmetrical 100mb fiber. So booting 
from a small iso, and http or ftp'ing all the stuff needed is fast.
And here at home on gigabit, Net-install is faster then the dvd.
I've done a base 5.3 install in like 1 minute (once it starts copying).

On 10/23/2009 3:53 PM, J.H. wrote:
> Jeff Sheltren wrote:
>> On Oct 23, 2009, at 10:22 AM, Nick Olsen wrote:
>>> Never Thought of that....
>>> I guess your right.
>>> Don't really see why ISO's shouldn't be carried though.
>> Disk space.
>> Some people (I won't name names, *cough* warthog *cough*) might argue
>> that having ISO images is simply a replication of the packages we're
>> already carrying on the mirror and that there should be a better way
>> to handle stuff so that mirrors don't end up with multiple copies of
>> what is essentially the same data.
> I'm trying my best to kill those stupid ISO images - I mean I've got
> boot.kernel.org and I've done several installs / upgrades that way
> (including Centos I might add!), and as a general goal I want to
> eliminate as many needs to burn a cd for a task as I can.
> That said I realize that I'm "not normal" and at best 5 years ahead of
> the big curve.  Many people's internet connections are not as good as
> mine, and it's only 16mbps down / 2mbps up.  Compare that to some of the
> other places on the planet with 10mbps symetric to 1000mbps symetric and
> mine pales.
> I have no real expectation however that we will get rid of the ISOs
> anytime soon.  I would *LOVE* if we could drop the CD ISOs completely
> from everything, but there's apparently a major backlash every time that
> happens (Fedora's done it a couple of times now).  I'm kinda hoping that
> with boot.kernel.org and the DVD ISOs we might be able to finally kill
> the CD ISO itself off and save all of that space and eliminate that from
> the possible working set of data.  Just my $0.02 though.
> - John 'Warthog9' Hawley
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