[CentOS-mirror] GloVine Public CentOS Mirror's

Mon Jul 7 11:47:47 UTC 2014
Daniel Watson <Daniel at glovine.com.au>

Hi Guys

We have a few mirrors listed, however of late they are coming up out of sync, I believe this is due to recent security changes and you need to whitelist our IP's or something?

Just an update for the servers aswell,

Please change centos.melb.au.glomirror.com.au to centos.vic.au.glomirror.com.au

Please whitelist the following IP's

Centos.vic.au.glomirror.com.au -
Centos.nsw.au.glomirror.com.au -

Please update the details for contact to noc at glovine.com.au<mailto:noc at glovine.com.au>

Please let me know when the above is completed so I can update our mirrors

Daniel Watson
Network Administrator / Network Operations Manager

E Daniel at GloVine.com.au
W www.GloVine.com.au

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