[CentOS-mirror] mirror ftp.plusline.de

Wed Jun 25 12:29:24 UTC 2014
Philippe Kueck <mirrors at plusline.de>


we've been running an official CentOS mirror for quite a while and we're 
listed in the yum mirrorlist, see:


Somehow we're not able to sync from eu-msync.centos.org since you closed 
the access for non official mirrors. Also we're not listed on


Anyways -- could you please add us to the mirror list?

http: http://ftp.plusline.de/centos/
ftp: ftp://ftp.plusline.de/centos/
rsync: rsync://ftp.plusline.de/CentOS/

ipv4 & ipv6, bandwidth 1Gbps, capacity about 4TB
Location: Frankfurt, Germany
Company: Plus.line AG
Company URL: http://www.plusline.de

please add to your ip whitelist, that's where the rsync will 
be triggered from.

Kind regards,


Dipl. Inf. (FH) Philippe Kück
Managed Services
Plus.line AG
Mainzer Landstr. 199
60326 Frankfurt am Main

Internet - Hosting - MPLS VPN

Tel.:   +49 (0)69 758915-0
Fax:    +49 (0)69 758915-33
E-Mail: pk at plusline.net
WWW:    http://www.plusline.net

Handelsregister: HRB 53629 Frankfurt am Main
Vorstand: Richard Gresek
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Horst E. Eckhard