[CentOS-mirror] CentOS 7 pre-release

Mon Jun 16 04:26:11 UTC 2014
Scott Dowdle <dowdle at montanalinux.org>


----- Original Message -----
> Does anyone happen to know if CentOS 7 pre-release is available to
> mirror via rsync?

Like you, I really wanted to test / play with everything over and over... and thought it better to have a local copy rather than dragging down the same bits over and over... so I used reposync to get all of the rpm packages and then wget to grab the remaining handful of content.  Not very clean but it worked for me. Yeah, I would have preferred to use rsync... but as far as I know it isn't available.  I'd love to be wrong on that though.

Scott Dowdle
704 Church Street
Belgrade, MT 59714
(406)388-0827 [home]
(406)994-3931 [work]