[CentOS-promo] Summary of Linuxtag meeting on sunday-evening

Tue May 22 01:41:12 UTC 2007
Dag Wieers <dag at wieers.com>

Hi all,

Later than expected, here are the meeting-minutes of yesterday's 
LinuxTag meeting.

Let me know if something is unclear or if I have the responsiblities 
wrong. Please *do* look if your name is mentioned :)

Entry passes:
 + Special setup/breakup exhibitor passes: 10 in mailbox
    -> Action Dag: send 2 to Axel and 2 to Ralph [DONE]
 + Exhibitor passes: 10 are validated:
   (add list of names)
    -> Action Dag: make sure everyone involved has an exhibitor pass [DONE]
 + Visitor passes: 25 of which 22 still unused
    -> Action Axel: Send list of FU-Berlin people that need free entrance

Contact information:
 + Ralph was going to send his mobile phone as central contact hub [DONE]
 + Axel was going to send the shipping address [DONE]

 + We still have plenty good quality flyers from FOSDEM
 + We could already start improving the current flyers
   (but posters are more important)
    -> Action Ralph and Dag: bring flyers to LinuxTag

 + We decided the booth needed decent durable posters
  - But printing a few is not cheap
  - Printing many lowers the price per poster drastically (200, 500, 1000 ?)
  - We may be able to sell these, if they are attractive
    -> Action Gideondk: Try to come up with one or more attractive designs ASAP
 + We decided that we want to have a parallel track for designing ordinary 
   posters that can be printed by Lance on demand.
    -> Action *everyone*: Design a few 'normal' posters or slogans and help gideondk
       (this design can be used in the future for other purposes eg. LUGs)

 + Stickers are cheap and very wanted, can we give these away for free ?
   (We could give them to people that promise to put them on servers or 
    laptop or that can proof they run CentOS already by means of a quiz ?)
    -> Action Lance: bring plenty of cheap stickers

 + At LinuxWorld London I used businesscards to write down information on 
   the back. We could use special CentOS cards with already printed 
   contact info (list, irc, forum)
    -> Action Dag: make a few designs, discuss, and print them (vistaprint.com?)

 + Lance asked for selling CentOS merchandizing, Ralph mentioned this 
   needed approval. We ask for approval or work using donations.
    -> Action Dag: ask organisation for approval [DONE]
 + Lance couldn't bring stuff with ryanair
    -> Action Lance: ship the goods to Axel if required

 + We decided to show off 3 different things at LinuxTag
  - Axel's system demonstrating Xen (Dell OptiPles has no VT-X !)
    -> Action Danieldk: prepare this demo
  - One system to show of anaconda-loop installations in step mode
    -> Action Danieldk (?): prepare this demo
  - One system to show compiz 3D cube together with applications and slids
    -> Action Tim: prepare this demo (not beryl! :))

Other gear:
 + Flyerholders
    -> Action Dag: look at the AVA store for these 
       (Brenda already looked an they were not cheap :/)
 + Adhesive tape/Wires for posters and tape for taping wires to the floor
    -> Anyone ?
 + Hub Ethernet cables, power cords
    -> Action Ralph: bring gear (hub no longer required)
 + Ethernet switch
    -> Action Dag: search for, find and bring ethernet switch
 + Mirror of CentOS, Atrpms, Rpmforge, Karan
    -> Action Axel: fill the 160GB disk as best as you can :)
 + Photo camera:
    -> Action Ralph: bring it
 + Demo PC + Beamer
    -> Action Axel: bring PC + Beamer
 + Demo PC + 22" LCD screen from FOSDEM that Frederik Kaputa happily 
   offered for LinuxTag as well if insured
    -> Action Dag: pick up in Hasselt and bring to LinuxTag

 + Axel is already there :)
 + Ralph is there from saturday
 + Meier arrives tuesday afternoon
 + Danieldk arrives tuesday at 17h
 + Dag and Tim arrive tuesday at 20h

Social activities:
 + Keysigning and CACert
    -> Action Ralph and Danieldk: lecture Dag and make it happen !
 + Linuxnacht: there were cheaper tickets if we were fast
    -> Action Dag: order cheaper tickets for everyone [DONE]
       we don't know if we have enough, since they will be distributed 
       depending on demand, we will take the average price (between 15 and 
       25 Euro per person)

 + Ralph needed information from everyone involved to know how much needed 
   to be insured.
    -> Action Ralph: send out insurance order [DONE]
 + General liability insurance. Ralph informed us that it was only 82 Euro 
   for the whole team.
    -> Action Ralph: check with Lance to see if CentOS can sponsor this

CentOS shirts:
 + Since most of use have nice CentOS shirts:
    -> Action *everyone*: bring themÃ
 + Tim and Meier do not have CentOS shirts,
   Danieldk and Gideondk have nameless shirts
    -> Action Dag: inquire arrfab to see if more can be made (these will 
       not be free though !)

That was it folks.

Attached to this mail is the complete meeting log
(from 20:00 until 22:00)

Kind regards,
--   dag wieers,  dag at wieers.com,  http://dag.wieers.com/   --
[all I want is a warm bed and a kind word and unlimited power]
-------------- next part --------------
20:01 < range> Hmmm. I expected one or two more people to be here ...
20:02 < range> Dear #centos-social inhabitants: We have to interrupt the normal #centos-social broadcast for a small meeting with people who want to help us with LinuxTag. Feel free to stay, but don't be astonished about what is going to be talked about.
20:02 < range> So who is here for the meeting?
20:02  * danieldk is
20:02  * dag waves
20:03 < timverhoeven> aye
20:03 < range> thimm also, I suspect.
20:03 < radodev> I be quiet
20:03  * thimm is here
20:03 < range> Christopher (aka Meier) also wanted to take part.
20:03 < range> I have pinged him but no answer yet. Well, I guess he'll chime in.
20:04 < dag> range: have you finished eating ? or shall we first discuss a few things before we formally do the meeting ?
20:05 < range> That would be nice :)
20:05 < dag> ok, then let me first state that I currently have asked for 8 exhibitor passes
20:05 < dag> but they have not been accepted by the organisation yet
20:06 < dag> these include, danieldk, gideondk, ralph, tim, axel, meier, lance and me
20:06 < dag> I added axel, but I don't know if he requires an exhibitor pass, the organisation want us to minimize the use of the passes
20:07 < thimm> I only need to drive in the PC&beamer and later pick it up
20:07 < dag> so I'm looking to find people who are not going to be there all the time ;-)
20:07 < dag> everyone else can have one of the 23 visitor passes (I don't know if these are day passes or if these work for the whole event)
20:07 < dag> thimm: when do you plan to do this ?
20:08 < thimm> The one you sent me (thanks again) was whole-event
20:08 < range> thimm: Yes, but for that you probably need to be there on tuesday.
20:08 < dag> ah perfect
20:08 < range> As they want to have the booths ready for the official opening (see the last info letter).
20:08 < dag> well, that's another item on my list, I received 10 exhibitor passes for setting up and breaking up
20:08 < range> Well, if not then not ...
20:08 < range> Ah.
20:09 < dag> of course, we will only arrive tuesday-evening (at best around 20u, maybe later)
20:09 < dag> the setting up phase is monday/tuesday from 7am - 10pm
20:09 < dag> during this time someone needs to pick up the _real_ exhibitor passes
20:09 < dag> we cannot get the on wednesday :)
20:09 < dag> so depending on the time we arrive by car from brussels, this can be a problem
20:10 < thimm> Where do you pick them from?
20:10 < thimm> The ICC?
20:10 < dag> I can send them to (or some) to Axel, and some to ralph
20:10 < range> Damn. When is their office open? I am in Berlin on Monday, but am invited by friends during the day.
20:10 < dag> thimm: yes, somewhere at ICC
20:10 < range> So yes, I might be able to sneak around there some time.
20:10 < dag> range: I bet since they are open from 8am till 10pm, you can get them during that timeframe
20:11 < dag> ok, shall I send you both a few of these passes ?
20:11 < dag> send me your addresses by mail, and I will ask my parents to forward them asap :)
20:11 < range> dag: Wait a sec.
20:11 < range> There are *three* types of passes?
20:12 < dag> yes, apparently :)
20:12 < dag> and yes, they didn't tell me that this 3rd kind was going to be shipped :)
20:12 < range> I thought you were talking about the exhibitor passes for the expo.
20:12 < dag> otherwise I would have had them shipped somewhere close to berlin
20:13 < dag> well, you have a second kind of exhibitor pass to setup and breakup, at least that's what my mom told me
20:13 < dag> of course they are in German as well :)
20:13 < range> If they are here until friday, you can ship them to me.
20:13 < range> If not, that's going to be a problem.
20:13 < dag> I will order that asap, if I send you 2 and axel 2 that should be fine
20:14 < range> Okay. Address will come via mail.
20:14 < dag> with this 3rd kind of pass, you can get the real exhibitor passes :)
20:14 < range> True, I can get the other passes on Tuesday, then.
20:14 < dag> have yu done eating ? ;-)
20:14 -!- limpc [n=root at ip68-100-204-5.dc.dc.cox.net] has quit ["Leaving."]
20:15 < dag> now, i'm sure that if things go wrong, we can still get in
20:15 < dag> but better to avoid that from happening (if we want to be there at 2008 too :))
20:15 < range> Just some salad left I can pick at during the meeting :)
20:16 < dag> the things I would like to discuss are: what do we still want to achieve before linuxtag (posters, business cards, demo setups, stickers ?)
20:16 < range> I'm going to give you all my mobile number so you can reach me if you have questions regarding coming into the expo or Berlin in general.
20:17 < dag> who's going to bring what ?
20:17 < dag> we have to make a schedule for the booth, since we are with plenty of people :)
20:17 < range> You call that plenty? Okay ...
20:18 < danieldk> probably far less than FOSDEM
20:18 < dag> range: the booth is not that big
20:18 < danieldk> unless dag brings his girlfriend :p
20:18 < dag> we have 3 pedestals and a table :)
20:18 < range> Yeah, but that should be solved there.
20:19 < dag> danieldk: i'd like that to happen, but no :/ she has to work
20:19 < danieldk> dag: ack
20:19 < danieldk> I guess we can man the booth ad-hoc as at FOSDEM
20:19 < danieldk> ?
20:19 < dag> that works if not everybody wants to see the saeme stuff :)
20:19 < range> Yes.
20:20 < range> danieldk: If that works this time :)
20:20 < dag> I promised this time I would actually be at the booth :)
20:20 < danieldk> dag: heh, you have no excuse this time ;)
20:20 < range> Stickers: That's something for lancelan who cannot be here today.
20:21 < dag> danieldk: let's see what comes up :)
20:21 < range> But I'm going to talk to him about that.
20:21 < danieldk> I guess flyers are pretty important
20:21 < dag> I was thinking to do a BOF, but alas... 
20:21 < dag> we have plenty of flyers
20:21 < range> I still have several hundreds, as has dag.
20:21 < dag> but someone stole my t-shirts at LinuxWorld Brussels
20:21 < range> Jörg from Fedora also might have some left :)
20:21 < dag> even thought it was XXXL or something :)
20:22 < dag> range: ah you do as well ?
20:22 < dag> the most important is a few posters
20:22 < range> dag: Only ~300 or so.
20:22 < dag> if possible something durable
20:22 < danieldk> I know, but I guess someone wanted additional flyers that were targeted at C5?
20:22 < range> That was a question. Shame that gideon isn't here :)
20:22 < dag> danieldk: if we can do it, sure
20:23 < dag> but I prefer a few good posters over new flyers
20:23 < dag> I think the stock we have is ok, it depends on the time gideon (or someone else) has to produce these
20:23 < danieldk> if we can have glossier paper :p
20:23 < range> Same here.
20:24 < dag> the stickers I deem important as well, it's a gift for people that actually use CentOS already :)
20:24 < range> Can we whip something up fast?
20:24 < range> dag: lancelan does those - we should talk to him.
20:24 < dag> the posters could be fairly simple, but I can imagine it to be expensive to have quality posters
20:25 < dag> lance can print posters cheap, but I bet it's on white paper only
20:25 < dag> if gideon cannot find the time we should definitely know so someone else can investigate
20:26 < dag> the business card idea is something useful as well, and I'm willing to look into that myself as I'm looking to create some for myself
20:27 < danieldk> what size do we need?
20:27 < range> A2 to A1
20:27 < dag> the idea is to have these contain all important information to contact CentOS project and use the back to write things down
20:27 < dag> often people ask questions and it's much better to write a projectname, a command or a URL down
20:27 < dag> and give it to people
20:28 < dag> it's a nice gesture and people appreciate that
20:28 < dag> danieldk: http://www.linuxtag.org/2007/tmp/aufplanung/LinuxTag2007_Halle12_10.05.2007pdf.pdf
20:28 -!- Netsplit brown.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: kommander-tom, wildwrk, flippo, thimm, euclid, danieldk, hurtz2k, dries__, donavan, timverhoeven,  (+1 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them)
20:28 < dag> danieldk: http://www.linuxtag.org/2007/tmp/aufplanung/07%20Linux%20Tag%2012%2035%20CenTOS%20ansi.jpg
20:28 < dag> danieldk: http://www.linuxtag.org/2007/tmp/aufplanung/07%20Linux%20Tag%2012%2035%20CenTOS%20gf.jpg
20:28 -!- Netsplit over, joins: hurtz2k, dries__, timverhoeven, whatever-thingy, donavan, flippo, wildwrk, kommander-tom, euclid, danieldk (+1 more)
20:28 < range> We're split at the moment :(
20:29 -!- thimm [n=thimm at p54bd6ef1.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #centos-social []
20:29 < dag> heh, everyone else is at the 'other side'
20:30 -!- Netsplit brown.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: kommander-tom, wildwrk, flippo, euclid, hurtz2k, danieldk, dries__, donavan, timverhoeven, whatever-thingy
20:30 < dag> ok
20:30 < dag> damn
20:30 < range> Problem is to find some place who does a small print run.
20:31 < range> My problem is: I'm going to have oral surgery on tuesday *and* have to decide if I want a new appartment until thursday. So I'm pretty out of time next week ...
20:32 -!- Netsplit over, joins: hurtz2k, dries__, timverhoeven, whatever-thingy, donavan, flippo, wildwrk, kommander-tom, euclid, danieldk (+1 more)
20:32 < range> Now stay here, people :)
20:32 < range> Problem with posters is to find some place which does a small print run.
20:32 < range> Or see if they're cheaper if we take ~ 100 posters ...
20:33 < dag> right, someone need to look into that
20:33 < dag> I have almost no experience with printing
20:34  * range neither.
20:34 < danieldk> if we are going to use an online service, it would be nice if it can be sent to someone close to LinuxTag
20:34 < dag> danieldk: are we sure the quality is the way we want it ?
20:34 < danieldk> flyer24 (???) was pretty fast last time
20:34 < dag> also I would prefer having more than 1 kind of poster
20:35 < dag> if you look at the booth, we have lots of wall
20:35 < range> dag: That is going to be a problem.
20:35 < range> Yeah, some of this wall is going to be used for a beamer.
20:35 < dag> range: not if we have the budget, maybe we need to look into that
20:35 < dag> range: I was told we needed a screen for a beamer
20:35 < range> Oh, and everybody think about it: Monday is a public holiday in germany.
20:35 < dag> so I assume the wall is not fit for a beamer
20:36 < thimm> Screen? OK, I'll try to grab one
20:36 < range> 28th, that is.
20:36 < dag> whta we could do is make a design for a real printing firm, and have a parallel track for 'cheaper' posters with lance
20:36 < danieldk> dag: sounds good to me
20:36 < dag> if we can't make if for linuxtag, we still have the design for another event
20:37 < danieldk> dag: for FOSDEM we used flyer24, and they can deliver within 3 days (als within 1 day, but that's very expensive)
20:37 < range> Does anyone have any idea why we're always running late for stuff like that? :)
20:37 < dag> range :)
20:37 < danieldk> it seems their minimum run is 10
20:37 < dag> range: because we thought the second time things would get easier ? :)
20:37 < thimm> If you need an address in Berlin to send something, use mine
20:38 < range> 10 is okay. I just looked at some companies who wanted to have a minimal run of 100
20:38 < dag> thimm: send it to danieldk as well to be sure
20:38 < range> thimm: Great - because the people at the address I could send stuff to won't be there before wednesday evening.
20:38 < dag> it is possible to send to ICC
20:38 < dag> but I prefer if it would arrive somewhere 'securer'
20:38 < timverhoeven> I know a printer here in belgium. I can order online and if we order on thuesday we have them on friday. Minimal run is also 100 pieces, they have thick, high gloss paper
20:38 < thimm> I'll wait for Ralph's mail and reply to all with my address and phone
20:39 < dag> tim: that would be fine as well
20:39 < dag> at least we would know in advance if the quality is ok
20:39 < timverhoeven> is about 300 euro for A1 size paper
20:39 < timverhoeven> and 200 for A2
20:40 < dag> ouch, I didn't see 100 pieces
20:40  * thimm will brb 
20:40 < dag> that's probably a no-no
20:40 < range> dag: A1 might be more expensive on a lower print run.
20:40 < danieldk> it is
20:40 < danieldk> e.g. flyer24 is nearly the same price for 100 as for 10 :p
20:40 < range> Because some cheaper print techniques aren't available until you reach a certain amount of prints.
20:41 < dag> 100 posters by mail-order is not expensive ? :)
20:41 < range> Or aren't profitable.
20:41 < dag> if we have 3 designs -> 300
20:41 -!- hurtz2k [n=jason at 75-167-217-251.cdrr.qwest.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
20:41 < range> dag: 50x120g -> 6kg.
20:41 < dag> hmm, I hope it is cheaper than 300 Euro
20:42 -!- wolfy [n=lonewolf at fedora/wolfy] has joined #centos-social
20:42 < dag> 3 Euro per poster is quite expensive
20:42 < danieldk> e.g. there is a only 15 Euro price difference between 100 or 200 posters (200 is 316 Euro)
20:42 < dag> sigh
20:42 < danieldk> heh, and 1000 is 400 Euro
20:42 < range> That's offset for you :)
20:42 < dag> if the design is _real_ good, we can sell them :)
20:43 < danieldk> dag: OpenBSD sells a lot of posters for like 10 Euro :p
20:43 < timverhoeven> same here, 100 extra is max 35 euro
20:43 < range> Yes, but they have good designs.
20:43 < danieldk> but we don't have a cute mascot
20:43 < dag> well, maybe that is a possibility
20:43 < danieldk> it may be interesting to talk with lance about that
20:43 < dag> a good slogan, a nicely design poster, say 6 Euro :)
20:43 < dag> ok, we're done with the poster
20:44 < danieldk> well, we need someone to design it, and a deadline
20:44 < range> Well yes. Discussion is moot if we have no design :)
20:44 < dag> right, gideondk and tomorrow :p
20:44 < thimm> mascot = tux in businessman clothes? :)
20:44 < danieldk> :p
20:44 < timverhoeven> only problem, for offset we need a design ASAP
20:44 < danieldk> timverhoeven: flyer24 can print in 3 days
20:44 < range> thimm: Last time we talked about it noone saw the need for a mascot.
20:44 < danieldk> s/print/print and deliver/
20:45 < dag> did we ever discuss a mascot ? :)
20:45 < range> Why isn't your brother here? }:->
20:45 < range> dag: Yes.
20:45 < danieldk> range: not sure, I can't get hold of him --> voicemail
20:45 < range> Okay.
20:45 < dag> anyway, the mascot and poster idea we should take to the next admin meeting
20:46 < range> Try to reach him ...
20:46 < dag> maybe do a contest
20:46 < range> dag: We already had mascot there ... I can go and look for it after this meeting.
20:46 < dag> so we have poster, flyer, businesscard, stickers
20:46 < range> Okay. Next thing: I like the business card idea.
20:46 < dag> how about the demo/slides we want to show off
20:46  * danieldk too
20:46 < dag> I'll make a design for the businesscard and will do the printing
20:47 < dag> since I need to make some for myself, that's not a big problem
20:47 < dag> I will send a design to the promo list asap
20:47 < danieldk> dag: ok, great
20:47 < dag> we can then discuss
20:48 < dag> the businesscard is simple, it needs to be effective, not attractive :)
20:48 < dag> ok, for the demos we want to demonstrate
20:48 < danieldk> does the machine have VT-X?
20:48 < range> Dell OptiPlex 740/745 - no idea.
20:48 < danieldk> there seems to be a 745 model with core 2 duo
20:49 < danieldk> if so, we could show Xen with paravirtualized 4.5 and HVMed 3.{89}
20:50 < danieldk> at least, that just one idea ;)
20:50 < dag> I was thinking about 3 demos: Xen, a looped anaconda-install and the 3D cube
20:51 < dag> no no, we need to showcase Xen
20:51 < thimm> dag: do you want these to be done in xen vhosts?
20:51 < danieldk> dag: the looped anaconda install is a great idea IMO
20:51 < dag> thimm: that's possible, but I prefer to display it on another machine
20:51 < range> The 3D cube *with* Xen could be a problem.
20:51 < timverhoeven> I also like the create your own cd programm, but I can't remember the name. It's being mentioned on the mailinglist recently
20:51 < dag> so it could be my laptop
20:51 < danieldk> timverhoeven: pungi?
20:51 < timverhoeven> yep, that was it
20:51 < range> Although the patched nvidia driver from livna works.
20:52 < thimm> nvidia on xen?
20:52 < danieldk> I am not sure we should encourage people to create their own broken CentOS CDs ;)
20:52 < dag> range: all 3 demos are different machines
20:52 < thimm> Just wait for a while and it locks up
20:52 < range> thimm: No, the other way around.
20:52 < range> Xen on a machine with nvidia card. Works for me at the moment.
20:52 < dag> danieldk: we could bring a CentOS5 livecd and boot tha to show people
20:52 < range> But it wouldn't be good if that locks up :)
20:53 < dag> how many machines do we have ?
20:53 < danieldk> dag: and hope they don't want a keyboard layout that we don't support? ;)
20:53 < thimm> I stopped shipping nvidia kmlds for xen upon nvidia's (kind) request
20:53 < dag> danieldk: I'm sure qwertz is supported, no ? :)
20:53 < range> German is. Yes.
20:53 < range> On the last version (if that is out already)
20:53 < danieldk> dag: fortunately, yes ;)
20:54 < danieldk> I think it is still QA only
20:54 < dag> anyway, who can look into the Xen setup, the Anaconda loop and the 3D cube spin
20:54 < dag> in the worst case we'll do some of the integration on tuesday-evening
20:54 < dag> or wednesday-morning :)
20:54 < danieldk> I can look at Xen and anaconda loop
20:54 < danieldk> if there are no objections I'd prefer anaconda loop in a domU ;)
20:54 < thimm> Let me know what you want me to install on the demo-PC
20:54 < range> Yes.
20:54 -!- Meier [n=cm at port-212-202-177-23.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #centos-social
20:54 < dag> danieldk: anaconda has a step mode that should display settings, that's what I was aiming for
20:55 < Meier> hi. sorry i'm late
20:55 < range> Hey Meier!
20:55 < danieldk> hi
20:55 < range> No problem.
20:55 < thimm> I intended to have it a plain CentOS5 install and put it online for you to put whathever you like on it
20:55 < timverhoeven> I can setup beryl/compiz on my laptop with C5
20:55 < danieldk> thimm: cool
20:55 < dag> yes, hardware drivers and stuff is something that definitely needs to be done in advance
20:55 < dag> tim: with CentOS5 right ? :)
20:55 < Meier> whats the current topic?
20:55 < range> I could show it off on fc6 :)
20:55 < dag> we don't want to show of anything other than CentOS 5:)
20:55 < danieldk> Meier: what to demo
20:56 < range> Meier: We're at "Demo stuff" for the booth.
20:56 < dag> range; I will bring a USB disk for you :p
20:56 < timverhoeven> I've got a spare partition ready for C5
20:56 < dag> or why not a 1GB CentOS5 USB stick ?
20:56 < range> dag: USB 2.0 doesn't work anymore on my laptop ...
20:56 -!- hurtz2k [n=jason at 75-167-217-251.cdrr.qwest.net] has joined #centos-social
20:56 < dag> ouch :(
20:56 < dag> I have a pcmcia USB 2.0 card :)
20:56 < dag> would that help
20:56 < range> And it's out of warranty since half a year.
20:56 < range> dag: Probably, yes :)
20:56 < dag> ok, i'll bring that :)
20:57 < dag> we need 3 systems (preferably laptops) on the pedestal
20:57 < dag> and one system connected to the beamer
20:57 < range> dag: No. Keep at least one pedestal free for flyers and other stuff.
20:57 < dag> right
20:57 < dag> and we need flyer-holders
20:57 < danieldk> yeah
20:57 < dag> I was going to look for these as well
20:58 < range> Meier: Did you have any success with those?
20:58 < dag> nobody looks at papers laying flat
20:58 < Meier> nopes
20:58 < range> Damn.
20:58 < dag> someone needs to bring tape and wire and powerchords
20:59 < Meier> i wonder if you get those at staples or similar shops
20:59 < dag> the gf knew where I could find them
20:59 < dag> so I'm confident I will bring those
20:59 < Meier> nice
20:59 < danieldk> maybe we should get back to the subject ;)
20:59 < range> dag: I'll try to score some wires(?) and powercords from work.
20:59 < range> What wires do you mean?
20:59 < Meier> ethernet
20:59 < range> danieldk: Okay. How boring ...
20:59 < Meier> power
21:00 < dag> things to hang from the walls if necessary
21:00 < dag> I would think everyone has wireless by now ? :)
21:00 < Meier> the pcs too?
21:00 < range> Yeah, but do we have an AP there? Do we have Ethernet at the booth?
21:00 < thimm> The demo PC hasn't
21:00 < dag> Meier: you were going to be there the whole 4 days, right ?
21:01 < dag> range: good question, I forwarded docs to you, but those were for paying exhibitors ?
21:01 < Meier> yes i certainly try to
21:01 < dag> it would be best to maybe bring a mirror of CentOS + RPMforge + karan
21:01 < range> The list you gave me? Yes.
21:01 < danieldk> while we are in anarchy-mode right now: are we going to premeet?
21:01 < dag> danieldk: hehe :)
21:02 < range> Tuesday.
21:02 < dag> that would be nice
21:02 < danieldk> tuesday night?
21:02 < range> I don't know when you guys are going to be there.
21:02 < dag> we have an appartement at less than 1km from the CCI
21:02 < danieldk> I think ~17:00 at the hostel
21:02 < range> And I hope I'm not the only one who is there on tuesday.
21:02 < Meier> which hostel?
21:02 < danieldk> (on tuesday)
21:02 < Meier> range i try to be there tuesday afternoon
21:02 < range> I'm changing appartments on tuesday, so I cannot stay late.
21:03 < range> But that's also not for now ...
21:03 -!- hurtz2k_ [n=jason at 75-167-217-251.cdrr.qwest.net] has joined #centos-social
21:03 -!- hurtz2k [n=jason at 75-167-217-251.cdrr.qwest.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
21:03 < range> Okay, I try to find a hub, some power cords (german ones) and some ethernet cables at work.
21:04 < dag> http://www.booking.com/hotel/de/apartcity-serviced-apartments.html?label=gog235jc;sid=e42436d13b3b1c0e5a1d3f5ee2f4f07d;checkin=2007-05-29;checkout=2007-06-02;show_room=6453502_0_0#RD6453502
21:04 < range> I already prewarned dag: I'm pretty much out of time next week (at least during the day).
21:04 < Meier> what about the mirror? anyone has a big usb drive to bring one?
21:04 < dag> we do not have any storage in the booth, but there were some lockers we could use
21:05 < dag> I'll see what I can do, at least we should have the CentOS5 stuff
21:05 < danieldk> I'll bring CentOS 5 and 4.5 DVDs just in case :p
21:05 < dag> for the Xen setup maybe having CentOS 4.5 would be ok as well
21:06 < danieldk> dag: and maybe 3
21:06 < dag> we'll see who can bring that, I'll make sure I'll mention it in the summary :)
21:06 < dag> the meeting minutes
21:06 < danieldk> good
21:07  * range stops writing seeing someone else does that :)
21:07 < dag> range: you are taking notes while discussing ?
21:07 < dag> damn, you're good !
21:07 < range> Executive summary.
21:07 < dag> I was going to do that afterwards :)
21:08 < dag> I would also like to go over the other exhibitors and see where we can drop of some of our flyers
21:08 < dag> and what flyers we can pick from other booths as well
21:08 < danieldk> dag: do have CACert have a booth?
21:08 < dag> I like some diversity on our own booth
21:08 < dag> danieldk: yes
21:08 < dag> and we could reward those people that have CentOS in their flyer ;-)
21:09 < dag> (non-commercial of course)
21:09 < range> Back to topic, maybe? Who is going to take care of dogtail?
21:09 < dag> range: I think tim offered that on his laptop ?
21:09 < range> Ah.
21:09 < dag> range: for LinuxWorld I looked at invoking programs as well, but that was pretty hard and messy
21:09 < range> See, I'm not perfect taking notes :)
21:09 < danieldk> the problem was keeping focus
21:10 < dag> so better do those things in advance
21:10 < range> Well, same here. Seems to be a CentOS problem.
21:10 < danieldk> s/keeping/keeping and switching/
21:10 < timverhoeven> I'll play around with it and see what I can get to work
21:10 < dag> I would prefer not to show beryl, what do others think ?
21:10 < danieldk> compiz is what we include
21:10 < range> No, compiz - as that is in CentOS.
21:10 < danieldk> beryl is not officially in CentOS
21:11 < timverhoeven> ok, compiz it is
21:11 < dag> I have one more item on the agenda, which is the social activities (keysigning, linuxnacht)
21:11 < dag> what do people think ?
21:11 < danieldk> when is the keysigning party?
21:12 < Meier> keysigning sound good
21:12 < danieldk> and with whom?
21:12 < dag> my previous social events at LinuxTag were not that interesting, but maybe because you guys weren't there )
21:12 < Meier> and what is linuxnacht?
21:12 < range> There is a keysigning party. See the linuxtag website.
21:12  * danieldk thinks it would be great if more people have enough CACert points to get a named certificate :p
21:12 < danieldk> range: ok
21:12 < range> Meier: Social event. EUR 15,- for "community members", EUR 25,- for others.
21:12  * dag needs to finally dive into keysigning and cacert
21:12 < Meier> range: i never missed social event ;)
21:12 < range> Location is in Kreuzberg.
21:13  * dag made the same observation at FOSDEM :)
21:13 < danieldk> I can't be at the social eveny, b/c my girlfriend will arrive thursday night
21:13 < Meier> and we were always the last to be kicked out
21:13 < range> She should directly go there ...
21:13 < dag> the thing is, for the cheaper prices we have to be zuick
21:13 < danieldk> dag: it's your lucky day, both ralph and I are assurer ;)
21:13 < dag> quick
21:13 < range> Yes.
21:13 < dag> and to be quick we need to know how many :)
21:13 < range> If it sucks, we leave there and head to the next put.
21:13 < range> pub.
21:14 < dag> ok, sounds like a plan
21:14 < range> There are lots in that area.
21:14 < dag> danieldk: would gideondk come with us to the social event ?
21:14 < Meier> i'll prolly bring a local who knows the right pubs
21:14 < danieldk> dag: I have no idea
21:14 < range> Really, I lived near the social event for ~5 years :)
21:14 < dag> range :)
21:15 < dag> so let's order 4 or 5 tickets for the social event
21:15 -!- wolfy [n=lonewolf at fedora/wolfy] has quit ["I have PMS and a GUN! Oh, I'm sorry, did you have something to say?"]
21:15 < range> Ermm. Close to the location, that is.
21:15 < dag> thimm: are you going ?
21:15 < range> dag: Make it 5 - we can still can give one away.
21:15 < Meier> range: kalug?
21:15 < danieldk> give us a call when you are leaving ;)
21:15 < dag> meier: maybe one for you friend as well ?
21:15 < range> Meier: kalug?
21:15 < dag> make it 6
21:15 < Meier> never mind
21:15 < danieldk> how late does the social event start?
21:16 < range> You know that LinuxTag is in Berlin this year? Not in Karlsruhe? :)
21:16 < range> 19:00
21:16 < thimm> dag: Sure, I'll make it
21:16 < Meier> ok. sine i was late i prolly missed that. when and where to report on wednesday morning?
21:16 < danieldk> range: ok
21:16 -!- hurtz2k_ [n=jason at 75-167-217-251.cdrr.qwest.net] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
21:16 < range> Meier: Report to me.
21:16 < Meier> range: ah you lived near the place where its this year
21:16 < dag> thimm: bringing anyone ?
21:16 < danieldk> range: I'll let you know tonight if we will be there, I'll ask gf
21:16 < range> I'll send out my contact data later this evening.
21:16 < dag> range will give everybody the orders
21:16 < dag> :)
21:17 < danieldk> dag: doesn't he need a stick then? :p
21:17 < range> Meier: Yes. 500m away from there.
21:17 < Meier> a whip!
21:17 < range> Or a bit more.
21:17 < dag> then the last point (unless i'm mistaken)
21:17 < dag> INSURANCE !
21:17 < danieldk> dag: or a "stekkerbak"
21:17 < range> Yes.
21:17 < thimm> dag: I'll ask, bit I think not
21:17 < range> Insurance.
21:17 < range> I have data from Axel and Daniel.
21:17 < Meier> for me its only an old notebook
21:17 < range> I need data *TONIGHT* from the rest.
21:17 < range> Meier: Estimate the value and send it to me.
21:18 < Meier> so prolly not worth anything
21:18 < timverhoeven> range: what exactly do you need ?
21:18 < range> Okay, then don't :)
21:18 < Meier> timverhoeven: estimate value to be insured
21:18 < dag> range: device, serial number and estimated price
21:19 < range> timverhoeven: The value of the stuff you bring (e.g. I bring my old T40 which I value at ~EUR 500, and my Nokia at EUR 400,-).
21:19 < range> dag: The declaration has no space for serial numbers and stuff :)
21:19 < timverhoeven> mmm, my laptop is company owned. I don't think that it needs insurance then or ...
21:19 < range> We're going to be insured for a certain value - and that's it.
21:20 < dag> my car ?
21:20 < Meier> heh
21:20 < range> timverhoeven: Ask them. I'll send out the Fax tomorrow early afternoon.
21:20 < timverhoeven> ok, I'll let you know
21:20 < range> Second question: General liability insurance and accident insurance.
21:20 < Meier> another question. who is staying at this hostel?
21:20 < dag> ah, everyone bring your CentOS shirts ! :)
21:20 < dag> do we have to order more CentOS shirts ?
21:21 < Meier> dag: where do i get one?
21:21 < range> stop! stop!
21:21 < dag> meier: we made them for FOSDEM
21:21 < range> We're not done!
21:21 < danieldk> first things first
21:21 < range> I feel safer having those.
21:21 < Meier> range: i am insured (haftpflicht=
21:22 < danieldk> I am insured, but I guess it's good for us non-Germans to have additional insurance
21:22 < range> Meier: Yes. But CentOS isn't. And we let you stay at the booth, doing stuff there.
21:22 < danieldk> range: what does the best coverage we can get cost?
21:22 < dag> range: hmm
21:22 < range> So if someone has a go at CentOS, I'm not too sure how that will go out.
21:22 < range> EUR 82,- for general liability.
21:22 < Meier> per person?
21:22 < dag> the best defense is an offense
21:23 < range> dag: I once broke something in the car of a girlfriend of mine by putting a bike on the backseat.
21:23 < range> As the insurance said that she allowed me to do so, they didn't pay.
21:23 < range> Meier: No, for all.
21:23 -!- gideondk [n=etelerra at s55918901.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #centos-social
21:23 < danieldk> hi gideondk :)
21:23 < range> Hey grantm
21:23 < dag> if it's 82 Euro for all, I would do it
21:23 < range> Ermm
21:23 < Meier> oh well thats ok with me then
21:23 < range> gideondk:
21:23 < gideondk> hi
21:23 < danieldk> gideondk: are you in a different timezone now? >:->
21:23 < range> Accident insurance is 10/person.
21:23 < gideondk> Not that I know of..
21:24 < range> So that would be an additional 80.
21:24 < danieldk> gideondk: ok ;)
21:24 < range> And lance said CentOS is going to cover those expenses if we think we need them.
21:24 < danieldk> range: I suppose that is split up between all booth attendants
21:24 < danieldk> ok
21:24 < danieldk> I'd vote for doing this
21:24 < range> Or we can collect for the accident stuff and just do theft insurance and liability for centos to cover.
21:24 < Meier> me too
21:24 < dag> right, if CentOS covers it, don't think twice
21:25 < dag> we all invest time into it
21:25 < range> How does that sound? That's 10/person.
21:25 < danieldk> I agree, I figure most of us already spend a few hundred Euros on travel/hostel/food, etc.
21:25 < danieldk> (with dag that is)
21:25 < Meier> same here so another 10 euros won't kill me
21:26 < range> Okay.
21:26  * timverhoeven also agrees
21:26 < range> Then I'll lay that out and talk with lance about it.
21:26 < danieldk> Meier: I was arguing for the opposite :)
21:26 -!- hurtz2k [n=jason at 75-167-217-251.cdrr.qwest.net] has joined #centos-social
21:26 < danieldk> maybe we can discuss the poster for 1 more minute now that gideondk is around?
21:26 < danieldk> (if we are done with insurance)
21:27 -!- mode/#centos-social [+o range] by ChanServ
21:27 -!- hurtz2k was kicked from #centos-social by range [Talk to me in private when your connection problems are fixed. You are rotating in and out ...]
21:27 -!- mode/#centos-social [+b *!*@75-167-217-251.cdrr.qwest.net] by range
21:27 -!- mode/#centos-social [-o range] by range
21:27 < dag> definitely !
21:28 < range> Yes, we are.
21:28 < range> gideondk: send me the estimated value of hardware you tag along until tomorrow morning.
21:28 -!- _Steve_ [i=egm6uxbu at unaffiliated/steve/x-520345] has joined #centos-social
21:28 < gideondk> (by the way, I will only attend Linuxtag for 1/2 days, so I won't be there for the whole run! :) )
21:28 < _Steve_> anyone have a recommendation on places to compare processor price/performance?
21:28 < dag> gideondk: then i'll remove you from the exhibitor list :)
21:28 < gideondk> tomshardware
21:28 < gideondk> Ok! :)
21:29 < range> gideondk: Are you going to be there on thursday?
21:29 < donavan> this looks decent -- for the given collection of benchmarks http://www23.tomshardware.com/cpu.html
21:29  * thimm has a question on the PC system
21:29 < danieldk> _Steve_: I suggest postponing hardware discussions a few minutes, until the meeting is over
21:30 < thimm> Do you prefer the 740 or 745 model?
21:30 < danieldk> thimm: do you know if any of the models has VT-X?
21:30 < thimm> (amd vs intel core due)
21:30 < Meier> thimm: if its c2d or newer i prefer intel
21:30 < danieldk> thimm: core 2 duo?
21:30 < thimm> danieldk: no, I don't
21:30 < gideondk> range: Yes, I think so..
21:30 < Meier> if its duocore i prefer amd
21:30  * range hints at the social event ...
21:30 < range> danieldk: Poster. Go ahead.
21:30 < gideondk> Poster!: )
21:30 < danieldk> thimm: I generally prefer Intel, dag?
21:31 < gideondk> thimm: me too..
21:31 < gideondk> ;)
21:31 < _Steve_> ok
21:31 < danieldk> gideondk: in addition to the normal posters we would like to have a glossy poster, something that can potentially be sold to, is it feasible to design something before LinuxTag (and have it printed too)?
21:31 < range> _Steve_: Sorry, bad timing :)
21:31 < _Steve_> donavan: see, i looked at that but i don't see the cpus i'm comparing (quad core xeons...)
21:31 < danieldk> s/to/too/
21:31 < gideondk> range: I will probably bring my DSLR camera with me and maybe my laptop..
21:31 < thimm> OK, I'll go for the Intel version, then
21:31 < _Steve_> range: no problem
21:32 < range> gideondk: Damn, the SLR. Yes, I'll bring that too.
21:32 < range> gideondk: Send me a value (I'll send a mail around soon).
21:32 < danieldk> thimm: cool
21:33 < gideondk> range: So that will be a estimated value of +/- 750 euro's for the DSLR and Lenses and another 700 euro's for my Laptop
21:33 < gideondk> Man.. I'm travelling expensive! :)
21:34 < dag> gideondk :)
21:34 < danieldk> so, if you are looking for someone to rob :p
21:35 < danieldk> gideondk: what about the poster?
21:35 < gideondk> danieldk: I Haven't received any information about the content of poster..
21:36 < danieldk> <danieldk> gideondk: in addition to the normal posters we would like to have a glossy poster, something that can potentially be sold to, is it feasible to design something before LinuxTag (and have it printed too)?
21:36 < gideondk> I already have a design in my head though..
21:36 < danieldk> that's all there is :)
21:36 < danieldk> ah, cool
21:36 < range> That's true. We relyed on your brain cells.
21:36 < danieldk> yup
21:36 < danieldk> we can't even pick proper colors :p
21:36 < range> relyed? Well, whatever.
21:37 < danieldk> gideondk: the thing is that we can only print this at an affordable price in high runs, so we would like to have something that can be sold potentially
21:37 < Meier> hmm .. i wonder if we could need a coffee machine ,)
21:37 < gideondk> danieldk: For good colors, you should look at a proper pallette! ;) http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Icon_Theme_Guidelines
21:37 < gideondk> palette*
21:37 < danieldk> gideondk: thanks for cluebatting me, I will have a look
21:37 < dag> gideondk: if you have different ideas, more than one design is welcome as well ;-)
21:37 < dag> we have lots of wall to cover
21:38 < danieldk> as long as it is printable before LinuxTag :)
21:38 < dag> in fact, what we could do is order 300 pieces and decorate the whole booth with it
21:38 < dag> attention guaranteed :)
21:38 < danieldk> like gift paper
21:38 < gideondk> gideondk: Sure I will start with some mockups tomorrow, I will share them with you, and we can pick the best ones for LinuxTag..
21:38 < danieldk> we can wrap range too
21:38 < Meier> hehe
21:38 < gideondk> danieldk: Hell yeah..
21:38 < range> danieldk: You're walking on thin ice.
21:38 < danieldk> range: I know
21:38 < danieldk> ;)
21:39 < range> Hehe
21:39 < danieldk> gideondk: could you paste links in the wiki?
21:39 < gideondk> danieldk: For the mockups?
21:39 < danieldk> gideondk: yeah
21:40 < danieldk> gideondk: I think you need an ACL from range
21:40 < gideondk> danieldk: Sure
21:40 < dag> danieldk: are we going to revise the flyer or postpone that for after LinuxTag ?
21:40 < danieldk> dag: well IIRC virtualization was mentioned, considering that we need a large run for high-quality flyers I'd suggest postponing that
21:40 < Meier> dag: you asked for ordering shirts. how many do you have?
21:41 < dag> meier: we ordered them for FOSDEM, I think we still have one or two nameless
21:41 < dag> not sure if they are at my place in leuven or with Fabian, will look
21:41 < danieldk> dag: both gideon and I have a nameless one, so I am not sure how many are left
21:41 < Meier> ah team shirts? i thought you had centos shirts to sell
21:42 < dag> danieldk: ah :) maybe none
21:42 < dag> meier: maybe we could do that later as well
21:42 < range> danieldk: Yes, postpone flyers.
21:42 < Meier> dag: can you order single ones i'd like one.
21:42 < range> Let us lose our old ones first.
21:43 < dag> meier: that's possible, I'll have to ask Fabian (arrfab)
21:43 < danieldk> range: could you give gideon a write bit on http://wiki.centos.org/ArtWork/Poster ?
21:43 < dag> will send a mail and see if we can still do that (we'll print some additional ones too)
21:44 < danieldk> dag: they are really nice, if possible, I'd like to buy another one too
21:44 < range> danieldk: Do it yourself.
21:44 < range> :)
21:44 < danieldk> range: yes sir :)
21:45 < range> Nobody spoke up against your inclusion there, so I took that as a "Yes".
21:45 < dag> danieldk: we can name yours then as well :)
21:45 < dag> let me first look if we can still do it
21:45 < gideondk> Does anyone know a *good* slogan which could be on the poster?
21:45 < danieldk> dag: yep :)
21:45 < danieldk> gideondk: we had a few slogans for FOSDEM
21:45 < gideondk> Throw em at me! :)
21:45 < dag> btw I don't see arrfab online that often
21:46 < danieldk> gideondk: you have write access to http://wiki.centos.org/ArtWork/Poster now
21:46 < dag> CentOS: The 'Community' in Enterprise Linux
21:46 < danieldk> dag: no, I think I saw him past week
21:47 < range> "More servers than your machine can handle"
21:47 < dag> CentOS: johnny and karanbir 'inside'
21:47 < Meier> lol
21:47 < danieldk> CentOS: 4 johnny clones included
21:47 < dag> danieldk :)
21:47 < gideondk> CentOS: Faked unfakable Linux? ;)
21:48 < danieldk> hehe :)
21:48 < thimm> I'll have to sign off in a few minutes - anything else regarding beamer/demo/Berlin?
21:48 < dag> gideondk: I like that one :)
21:48 < Meier> "The real unbreakable linux" :P
21:48 < gideondk> Unfakeable*
21:49 < dag> or a play on Unfakeable, Unshakeable, Untakeable
21:49 < range> thimm: Via mail, if there still is something.
21:49 < gideondk> Maybe: Fake unfakeable Linux is better :)
21:49 < range> I sent out a mail to all attendants.
21:49 < gideondk> Unbakeable
21:50 < range> CentOS - more servers per machine.
21:51 < dag> Impeccable Linux ?
21:51 < Meier> range: everyone has virtualization nowadays :(
21:52 < range> Meier: Pssssht.
21:52 < Meier> its not sth i would use for the slogan
21:52 < danieldk> Meier: Red Hat limited my subscription to two domUs
21:52 < range> danieldk: So you should by AS then.
21:53 < Meier> danieldk: but is not really a distinguishing feature
21:53 < danieldk> range: I have AS
21:53 < range> "Enterprise for your home".
21:53 < danieldk> range: academic AS that is
21:53 < range> Ah.
21:53 < danieldk> Enterprise Linux for the rest of us
21:53 < range> danieldk: :)
21:54 < dag> range: I like that one too :)
21:54 < gideondk> CentOS: Because servers can be cheap..
21:54 < gideondk> danieldk: That one was good..
21:54 < danieldk> CentOS: there used to be two of use, but we are OK now
21:54 < danieldk> s/use/us/
21:54 < dag> yes, danieldk's is also nice
21:54 < dag> Enterprise Linux for the people ?
21:54 < range> gideondk: "reasonably priced"
21:54 < range> Not cheap.
21:55 < range> That sounds like a EUR 4,- perfume.
21:55 < danieldk> yuk
21:55 < dag> Enterprise Linux for the masses ?
21:55 < danieldk> better no perfume that 4 Euro perfume
21:56 < gideondk> It could be expensive perfume on a bargain..
21:56 < dag> CentOS: Because DIY Linux was so nineties
21:56 < danieldk> too much discussion required ;)
21:56 < Meier> dag: great'!
21:56 < danieldk> CentOS: who cares about -funroll-loops ?
21:57 < danieldk> s/\?/:p/
21:57 < dag> danieldk :)
21:57 < Meier> CentOS: not for ricers ;)
21:57 < gideondk> Reisers?
21:57 < thimm> See you on the lists! Bye, all!
21:57 < range> thimm: Bye.
21:57 < danieldk> bye thimm, thanks for being around
21:57 < dag> bye thimm, thanks
21:57 -!- thimm [n=thimm at p54bd6ef1.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ["Leaving."]
21:58  * z00dax gets online
21:59 < Meier> gideondk: there was once "gentoo is for rices" parody on funroll-loops.org
21:59 < Meier> comparing gentoo useres with car-nerds