[CentOS-promo] promo idea

Mon Feb 9 21:19:57 UTC 2009
Ralph Angenendt <ra+centos at br-online.de>

Michel Daggelinckx wrote:
> Ralph Angenendt wrote:
> > Do you have a proposal how local groups like that could be worked
> > out? How large/small areas those groups should cover? What needs
> > to be done from the CentOS team to support those groups? Which
> > infrastructure is needed?
> Infrastructure needs: mailinglist for each team centos.org sub-domain
> and web space with a wiki

Hmmmhmmm. Mailinglist aren't a problem at all. But rather than "webspace with
a wiki" I'd like to see "Groupspace in the wiki". 

> For multilingual country's: Belgium, Swiss, ... where language is key
> refer to foreign teams, Belgium = French, Dutch and German so we refer
> German people to German team for support.  Where location is key:
> fairs, meetings, ... the national team will be responsible and can
> cooperate with neighboring teams.

Sounds reasonable.

> The teams are free to organise them self in the way they see most fit,
> cultural differences make it impossible to have a unified structure.

That depends on what you mean with "in the way they see most fit". I think 
there must be a set of rules conducting "wanted practice" when presenting
at a fair/show/whatever. Same goes for content on websites. 

> Every team should have an "official" contact for communication between
> teams, the public, press and the global CentOS team.

Hmmmhmmmhmmmm again. That "press" thing doesn't go down to well with me. If 
someone on a regional team is going to do press, he has to be really well 
known to the core team. 

But yeah, I like the idea in general, if someone wants to push that. Can you
bring those three paragraphs up there into something which can go through
as a proposal? 

I like the idea, but I don't see the people doing that at the moment - if they
are there I am more than glad to be proven wrong.

If others think that there is a chance for that to happen - please tell here.

I'm not speaking on behalf of the CentOS team though, yet, it's only my 
private opinion at the moment.

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