<pre>><br>>Bert Desmet wrote:<br>>><i> hi,<br></i>>><i> <br></i>>><i> I am searching for some Belgian CentOS contributors who want to go to<br></i>><i> </i>><i><a href="http://brucon.org">brucon.org</a>. I would want to make a combined booth (Fedora -CentOS), if<br>
</i>>><i> that is possible for the organisation. so let me know what you think<br></i>>><i> about it.<br></i>>><i> <br></i>>><i> regards,<br></i>>><i> Bert desmet<br></i>><i><br>></i><br>
>Hi Bert,<br>><br>>Are you talking about <a href="http://www.brucon.org/">http://www.brucon.org</a> ?<br>>If so I really doubt that a booth can be obtained for free , as just the <br>>conference ticket price is around 250euros (less if early bird ticket <br>
>though : <a href="http://www.brucon.org/index.php/Tickets">http://www.brucon.org/index.php/Tickets</a>) .<br>>Have you more informations about that event ? It doesn't seem to <br>>involve/push opensource and surely can't be compared to the Fosdem ;-)<br>
>BTW what does Frédéric Hornain think of that event ? Frédéric tends to <br>>be the official Fedora ambassador in belgium (i didn't know that there <br>>was another one ..) who organizes such events ...<br></pre>
<br>Disclosure: I'm one of the Brucon organizers.<br><br>My take on the request. I didn't want anyone, including the sponsors to start with booths. This was going to be a non-commercial event unlike <a href="http://infosecurity.be">infosecurity.be</a>.<br>
<br>This is why I'm not in favor of any booths. But I'm in favor of 'hacking' communities. Toool.nl and various <a href="http://hackerspaces.org">hackerspaces.org</a> will be present like Randomdata, HSB, Syn²cat and /tmp/lab.<br>
<br>They get some 'space' to promote their community. So some presence in the hacklounge. A small desk where they can show some of the stuff they hack together. Some of them will give workshops.<br><br>Our prices range from 50€ (students) to 180€ which is about the price of a combo-ticket to Rock Werchter. Consider us a "tech" festival but with comfy chairs and wifi to sit in.<br>
<br>The concept is a little bit Defcon/CCCongress style but with our own little twist. The event is shaped by the volunteers and since it's the first edition, a lot has still to be defined.<br><br>If you have any comments or suggestions, drop me a message.<br clear="all">
_________________<br>My profile: <a href="http://www.linkedin.com/in/bketelslegers">http://www.linkedin.com/in/bketelslegers</a><br>My blog: <a href="http://blog.security4all.be/">http://blog.security4all.be/</a><br>Belgian Security Blognetwork: <a href="http://feeds.feedburner.com/BelgianSecurityBlognetwork">http://feeds.feedburner.com/BelgianSecurityBlognetwork</a><br>
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