[CentOS-virt] Running Fedora 10 (and rawhide) Xen guests/domUs on CentOS 5 dom0

Pasi Kärkkäinen pasik at iki.fi
Thu Nov 27 10:47:05 UTC 2008

Hi list!

Now when Fedora 10 is out, I thought of writing here what's needed to
run Fedora 10 Xen domUs on CentOS 5 dom0. 

Fedora 10 does not have separate kernel-xen, but instead Xen domU
support is included in the normal kernel-PAE.i686 and kernel.x86_64 
(based on the pv_ops Xen support included in the mainline/vanilla Linux kernels).

RHEL 5.3 beta (and final obviously too) includes needed fixes to run Fedora
10 domUs. If you can't wait for CentOS 5.3 upgrade for your dom0, here is the list of
modifications you need to make for CentOS 5.2 dom0:

In CentOS 5.2 dom0 you should be able to run Fedora 10 domUs/guests if you
first upgrade two packages: 

- libxc (needed for supporting bzImage kernels in F10) https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=457199
- python-virtinst (needed for F10 treeinfo parsing) https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=460585

Someone with access to RHEL 5.3 beta sources might want to put those
packages available somewhere online.. or even better; compile binary RPMs too :)


I might take a look at it myself later when I have more extra time.. :) 

-- Pasi

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