[CentOS-virt] xapi for centOS 6.6

Sun Mar 22 06:23:22 UTC 2015
Gautam Malu <gautam.maloo at gmail.com>

I am a masters student at IIIT Hyderabad, India. I am writing a GOSC
proposal for CentOS organization. It's about delivering a custom installer
ISO which delivers Xen 4.4 stack on CentOS 6.
full proposal:

I want to port xapi on CentOS 6 as part of it. There has been some previous
efforts to port xapi on CentOS 6 but nothing official, as follows:




i was wondering if there is any other project going on to port xapi on
CentOS 6 > CentOS 6.3 with XenServer being fully open source now.

Best regards,
Gautam Malu
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