[Centos] Question about YUM

Fri Dec 3 15:46:40 UTC 2004
Martin Hamant <mh at accelance.fr>

On Fri, 03 Dec 2004 09:14:26 -0600
Rocky McGaugh <rocky-lists at mcgaugh.org> disait:

> Yum uses RPM for most of its handy-work. In the end, it doesnt matter 
> if you install an rpm by hand or with the yum tool. Yum just makes 
> things quicker and easier.
> People usually dont get into real "dep hell" with RPM unless they "use
> the --force, Luke."

And the --nodeps !
So in fact, it's more safe because when you install an RPM by hand,
"one day", you'll do a --nodeps because of X or Y obscur reasons, and
"one day" the distribution will be broken ( i don't mean it's not
