[CentOS] Entries in /var/log/messages

Chris Mauritz chrism at imntv.com
Mon Aug 22 12:50:26 UTC 2005

Jerry Geis wrote:

> I have quite a few entries in /var/log/messages for connection 
> attempts. Is there anything other
> than ignoring them I can do? Example is below.
> Aug 21 15:48:19 machine sshd(pam_unix)[17903]: check pass; user unknown
> Aug 21 15:48:19 machine sshd(pam_unix)[17903]: authentication failure; 
> logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser=
> rhost=wsip-24-234-149-156.lv.lv.cox.net

Heh.  Welcome to the club.  If you've got a well connected machine, and 
it's listening on any ports, you'll get these.  I sometimes get 100-200k 
logwatch reports and it's all idiots trying to run dictionary attacks 
against ssh.  It comes in waves.  Some days I don't get any.

All you can really do is filter the naughty IP addresses, but that 
doesn't really do a whole lot of good since they rarely come from the 
same place twice.  Back in the days when this was so common, I'd make an 
effort to find the netblock owner and warn them that one of their 
machines had been compromised, but that's not even worth the effort 
anymore.  A lot of times, it's from some big ISP who just drops those 
complaints on the floor...especially if it's in the far east.


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