[CentOS] Installed program not found

Johnny Hughes

mailing-lists at hughesjr.com
Mon Aug 1 17:22:38 UTC 2005

On Mon, August 1, 2005 11:41 am, Steve Huff said:

> p.s. one tip that may save you a long "find /" in the future; rpm -ql
> <packagename> gives you a list of all files contained in a given
> package.  "rpm -ql wacom | grep wacomcpl" might have been a quicker
> route to success (assuming the wacom package was named something like
> wacom.x.y-z.i386.rpm)

This is true for rpm packages, but the original post said the drivers were
made and installed ... I assumed that those were not an RPM, but they
could have been.

Another thing that can be done is to install slocate and set the command
updatedb to run in cron, then you can use the command:

locate name_of_file

This is much faster than find, but only if the slocate database is kept

Johnny Hughes

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