[CentOS] CentOS 4 HTTPD strange dependencies problem

Wed Aug 10 11:21:29 UTC 2005
Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>

On Wed, 2005-08-10 at 12:30 +0200, Petr Klíma wrote:
> Sorry, I know I should keep cool
> but what I describe newer hapend in CentOS 3 till now.

3.1 was the first release ... it was linked to 3.3 after that was

3.3 was linked to 3.4 after that was released

3.4 was linked to 3.5, etc.

That has been the same since the beginning

> I have several machines installed from CentOS 3.0 media and I newer need 
>   download other thing except "updates" .
> I remember cca. 4-6 months back there was major change in repository 
> organisation. (There was a long talk about "How older releases should 
> change its yum.conf URL to work with new layout). Isn't this result of 
> the change? Or am I tolally wrong?

The only thing that changed was that we added a 3/ and 4/ symlink that
always stays updated (points to the current release) so that changes are
not required to the yum configuration and it matches the upstream
version number ... so things like dag's repo work with the version

> Former model - where all releases "updates" had its directory with 
> appropriate updates and not yust link to "hopefully global updates". It 
> was HDD hungry, I know.

That isn't true ... 3.1 was removed after 3.3 was released

and 3.3 was removed after 3.4 was released ... this was all before
CentOS-4 was released

The method has always been the same ... only the /3 and /4 was added
around the 3.4 release time.

> But
> Newer model - where all releases are linky to one directory

That has always been the case
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