[CentOS] Contemplating Move

Wed Aug 17 03:10:30 UTC 2005
rado <rado at rivers-bend.com>

On Tue, 2005-08-16 at 19:15 -0400, Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams wrote:
> On Tue, 2005-08-16 at 17:05 -0500, Mike McCarty wrote:
> > I am doing contract work, and was requested to install FC2
> > on my machine (last October). Since doing that, I have
> > tentatively concluded that the Fedora Core Project is
> > more or less beta test, and not really suitable for development
> > work. Please anyone correct me if I am wrong.
> This is in fact incorrect. CentOS is a better choice for remote servers
> or machines that you don't want to upgrade every year or so, but that
> doesn't make Fedora "beta" quality. It just has a more experimental
> nature and a shorter life cycle.
> > So I am considering a hop to a more stable environment. Since
> > CentOS is akin to The Product Produced By A Major Vendor Of
> > Linux Software Who Shall Remain Nameless, I was wondering if
> > the transition might be easier to CentOs rather than, say
> > Debian. (Makes me feel like I'm reading a Harry Potter
> > novel about He Who Shall Not Be Named.)
> Yes. CentOS is very Fedoraesque. It even uses yum.
> > Is there any reasonable hope of an "upgrade" from FC2 to CentOS
> > 4.1 or should/must I backup, install, and restore?
> A clean install is recommended, although an upgrade may be possible.
...agree w/all the above. 
A few months back, I went thru this exact same senario. I really was/am
a fedora fan just for what it is and the fedora list people..they great!
But, hey, I am new and still fighting the learn curve but have servers
up and running. I had a really bad experience thru my own fault, moving
from fc 2 to 3 ...lost the whole enchillada. Anyway, It did get me
thinking that I really was not pleased at all w/the very short time til
legacy was gone...push came to shove...some people on the fedora list
turned me on to Centos which I had never heard of! I love the distant
future to have to face legacy things and it's still the same subject
matter...I am running 3 boxes which used to be fc3 and now are centos
and I think it's at least 1 thing I have done right lately!

There again, I agree w/Ignacio and Brian Smith on this for sure...Hey
now, Fedora is cool but every couple months you gotta go major w/it by

John Rose

My wife is always bitching..."I'm so sick of diapers!". I don't know why
she's bitching at me...it's her mom and dad not mine!