[CentOS] xfs module not loading

Fri Aug 19 15:45:47 UTC 2005
James Pearson <james-p at moving-picture.com>

Fong Vang wrote:
>>Rebuilding the installer with and an XFS enabled kernel will result in a
>>working installer ... as you've seen, hacking the installer by adding
>>modules, doesn't work - that is the main difference ...
> Makes sense. Thank you for the insight.  Could you point to some
> document detailing the steps to rebuild the installer (not really sure
> what that means).

See an earlier post in this thread:


Basically you need to have the whole distribution (from CDs etc) on 
line, replace all the various kernel RPMS with the ones from centosplus 
downloads and add the xfsprogs (and jfsutils and reiserfs) RPMS to the 
CentOS/RPMS directory, install the anaconda-runtime RPM and run 
something like the script at http://centos.hughesjr.com/testing/build.sh.txt

Note: I only needed to rebuild the installer for doing NFS installs, so 
I stopped after the 'buildinstall' step - I also started at the first 
genhdlist step.

James Pearson