[CentOS] Linux Trademarked?

Fri Aug 19 20:25:53 UTC 2005
Peter Farrow <peter at farrows.org>

worth a read


Johnny Hughes wrote:

>On Fri, 2005-08-19 at 12:02 -0700, Robert Hanson wrote:
>>please notice that at this url
>>that there might actually be some misrepresentation of others based upon
>>what i have read in this thread.... or the other... i deleted all my
>>messages and had to cut and past the subject from the online archive...
>>ummmmm it is Fedora Core and not Fedora Linux right?
>>or am i missing something?
>>im trying to understand..... does Red Hat have a license to say "Linux" and
>>CentOS does not so that Red Hat can say Red Hat Enterprise Linux or Red Hat
>>Linux X.x and CentOS is just a distribution that has linux in it or???
>>i know i am somewhat confused. anyone?
>> - rh
>CentOS does not have Linux (R) in it's name (because we don't have
>permission to use that Trademark in our name, and since it costs $5000
>we won't be adding to our name anytime soon) and CentOS is not in any
>way affiliated with Fedora Core, The Fedora Project, or Red Hat (R),
>CentOS does not contain Red Hat (R) Linux (R), Red Hat (R) Enterprise
>Linux (R) or Fedora Core.
>CentOS is built from publicly available open source SRPMS.
>Hopefully that clears up any questions anyone might have.
>CentOS mailing list
>CentOS at centos.org
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