[CentOS] Install help on proliant 8500 please..

Sat Aug 20 09:12:40 UTC 2005
Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>

On Fri, 2005-08-19 at 22:06 -0700, Robert Hanson wrote:
> } 
> } Ok, here's what iam trying on,, a compaq proliant 8500 server with 8 xeon
> } 550mhz processors, 6 gig ram,, i just installed centos 4.1 on a proliant
> } 3000 dual 550's and 2 gig ram and went smooth as silk, just got the 8500
> } and it seems to be in good order, but when i tried (twice) to install
> } centos 4.1 it stalls shortly after a screen of stuff installing and the
> } last two items are something about usb ports (no usb on this or the other
> } server), i then tried fedora core 3 for just a test and it stalled like
> } centos but on the ide/floppy line, i would really like to get centos 4.1
> } installed on this machine so any help/insight would really be
> } appreciated,,,
> } 
> } chuck, a semi nube and a full webslave
> Chuck,
> oops, i forgot in my first post to this... there could be an issue with
> having 6 Gig RAM as well... i dont recall what it is right off the bat
> though... maybe Bryan is around... i have read just about everyones
> productive work on this list and i just dont remember what the largemem
> issue was with greater than 2gig or 4 gig...

I would recommend removing memory to 2gb to do the install ... then try
putting the memory back in after the install and see how that goes.

The install kernel is a plain jane i586 kernel ... might have some
issues with that much memory
> anyways, if my first suggestion doesnt work, please wait for Bryan and the
> others to pick up on this thread...
> let us know what happens with
> linux text lowres nousb nousbstorage skipddc
> and hopefully you wont have a memory issue until after the initial install
> if at all.

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