[CentOS] Re: Linux Trademarked?

Wed Aug 24 03:08:40 UTC 2005
Mike McCarty <mike.mccarty at sbcglobal.net>

Bryan J. Smith wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-08-24 at 03:39 +0200, Dag Wieers wrote:
>>Not as much as you have implied though >:)
> Oh com'mon Dag.
> Just because I was the first guy who started defending Red Hat on this
> list doesn't mean that they weren't warranted many times prior.  And I
> have noted that much of the Red Hat slants have gone away as a result.
> Although I _am_ sorry I read too much into Mike's post.

No problem. No offence meant or taken, I'm sure.

OTOH, over on FC echo I was recently accused of being willing
to argue with a doorknob :-)

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