[CentOS] named is up but does not respond to queries

Wed Aug 24 16:55:16 UTC 2005
Jay Leafey <jay.leafey at mindless.com>

Arun K. Khan wrote:

> I looked through /var/log/messages and did not find any errors logged by
> named.  I'd appreciate any thoughts/suggestions to debug this problem.

Hmmm, have you used 'lsof' or 'strace' to see what the process is doing? 
  First get the process ID of the named process (pgrep named), you'll 
need this for the other two.  'lsof -p {process ID}' will show you all 
of the file handles the process has open, including any shared libraries 
and network connections.

'strace -p {process ID}' will allow you to watch the system calls the 
process is executing as it is running.  If it's just sitting there, it 
might be tough to figure out, but if you watch it and see that it is 
looping on some call that might give you a hint.

You can also start browsing through the /proc filesystem for information 
about that process, start by getting a directory listing of 
'/proc/{process ID}/'.

Just a thought!
Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN
jay.leafey at mindless.com
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