[CentOS] Where have all the Gaim icons gone?

Fri Aug 26 02:53:22 UTC 2005
Philip Wyett <philip.wyett at w-tech.co.uk>

On Fri, 2005-08-26 at 09:27 +1000, Tim Edwards wrote:
> Has anyone noticed that in the latest gaim update 
> (gaim-1.3.1-0.el4.3.i386.rpm) almost all the MSN smiley icons are not 
> included in the package? I've reverted to gaim-1.3.1-0.el4.i386.rpm and 
> they're all there. Is this a bug? and if not why would redhat remove the 
> smiley icons from Gaim?


Yes, this has seemingly been done on purpose by Red Hat.

In the spec file appears:

# remove some graphics and map some smilies to others
rm -f usr/share/pixmaps/gaim/status/default/msn.png
install -m 644 %{SOURCE2}
rm -f usr/share/pixmaps/gaim/smileys/default/msn_*
cd usr/share/pixmaps/gaim/smileys/default/
ln -s smile.png msn_smiley.png
ln -s bigsmile.png msn_laugh.png
ln -s yahoo_wink.gif msn_wink.gif
ln -s scream.png msn_ooooh.png
ln -s tongue.png msn_tongue.png
ln -s cool.png msn_sunglasses.png
ln -s yell.png msn_angry.png
ln -s embarrassed.png msn_embarrassed.png
ln -s sad.png msn_sad.png
ln -s yahoo_cry.gif msn_cry.gif
ln -s angel.png msn_angel.png
ln -s crossedlips.png msn_donttell.png
ln -s cool.png msn_hot.png
ln -s yahoo_eyeroll.gif msn_eyeroll.gif

Comment out the following lines from the spec, rebuild the SRPM,
install and all your MSN smiley icons will return.

rm -f usr/share/pixmaps/gaim/smileys/default/msn_*
cd usr/share/pixmaps/gaim/smileys/default/
ln -s smile.png msn_smiley.png
ln -s bigsmile.png msn_laugh.png
ln -s yahoo_wink.gif msn_wink.gif
ln -s scream.png msn_ooooh.png
ln -s tongue.png msn_tongue.png
ln -s cool.png msn_sunglasses.png
ln -s yell.png msn_angry.png
ln -s embarrassed.png msn_embarrassed.png
ln -s sad.png msn_sad.png
ln -s yahoo_cry.gif msn_cry.gif
ln -s angel.png msn_angel.png
ln -s crossedlips.png msn_donttell.png
ln -s cool.png msn_hot.png
ln -s yahoo_eyeroll.gif msn_eyeroll.gif

This "feature" does not appear in any FC SRPM right up the the FC5
development 1.5.0. :-(




Personal email: philip.wyett at w-tech.co.uk

Work email: pwyett at a-novo.co.uk

Blog: http://www.philipwyett.blogspot.com

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