[CentOS] Kerberos and Winbind both needed for Active Directory??

Thu Dec 22 15:28:43 UTC 2005
Doug Long <duglong at gmail.com>

When configuring CentOS 4 to authenticate (for all things, such as ssh and
samba shares) against Active Directory is it necessary to check both the
Kerberos and Winbind options under "Authentication," or is Winbind alone
sufficient (since winbind uses kerberos)?

When I have attempted to get this working, I was only able to do it with
both kerberos and winbind selected. The other problem I had was that I had
to have a local account with the same username. I am sure it is something
very small that I am missing, but I just can't figure it out.

Any comments or suggestions are highly appreciated.
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