[CentOS] system clock uses UTC selection on centos install

Fri Dec 2 17:27:43 UTC 2005
Bryan J. Smith <thebs413 at earthlink.net>

Robert <roberth at abbacomm.net> wrote:
> hello
> ya know, i have researched this several times over a coupla
> sdecades and my brains have fallen out again... ;->
> so... all of you that are setting up mail and web servers
> in the USA or other countries, are you clicking and turning
> on the
> system clock uses UTC
> selection on a centos install??
> the reason i ask is i research this about every 3 to 5
> years and i never remember what i figured out or thought
> about it... apologies
> what is the wisdom and usage on the list please?
> soooooooo help an old man of 40 out please? ;-)
> thanks and kind regards!

Basically the default of _every_ computing platform outside
of Utah and Washington [state] has been set the RTC to UTC
and offset in software/locale/user-space/etc...

This has really been a key mindset difference between
multiuser platforms and platforms that assume only one user
is on the system, and it would only be used in one timezone.

Especially today with portables -- your hardware RTC should
_never_ change  (except when the UTC time if off), and not as
you merely move timezones.  The OS should _only_ offset,
never modify the RTC (again, except for when the UTC time is

Bryan J. Smith                | Sent from Yahoo Mail
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